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a single ring structure

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Q: Purine bases have what kind of structure?
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Will a purine base bond with another purine?

no.because there is not enough space to bind two purine bases.

How many rings does a purine have?

there are double rings in the purine bases and there is only a single ring in the pyrimidine base.

Does cytosine contain a purine?

DNA does in fact contain cytosine. This is one of the 4 nucleic acids that are found inside of DNA.

How many rings do adenine and guanine have?

Adenine and guanine molecules are two of the four nitrogenous bases that help make up the structure of DNA. They are also known as "purine" bases because they have a double ring structure. The purine bases are extremely important in DNA formation and they specifically pair up with the other two nitrogenous bases, known as the "pyrimidine" bases. Adenine molecules will always pair with thymine molecules and guanine molecules will always pair with cytosine.

What type of bases do adenine and guanine have?

Purine bases because they are double-ringed.

How are four bases paired in a molecule DNA?


What bond holds purine bases and pyrimidine bases together?


How many adenine bases are there if you have 112 purine bases and 64 cytosine bases?

There is no way to tell, since adenine is a purine base, but not the only one. Cytosine is a pyrimidine base. So it can be anything from 0 to 112!

Name for large bases found in DNA and RNA?


Why does Purine not bind with Purine in DNA?

Yes! Purines in DNA are Adenosine (A) and Guanine (G). Pyrimidines in DNA are Cytosine (C) and Thymine). In DNA, A bonds with T using 2 H-bonds (Hydrogen bonds) and C bonds with G using 3 H-bonds.

What binds with purine bases?

the birds eat them so they got ated

What change in the sequence of nitrogen bases in genes?

Mutation. . Either exchanging a Purine with another Purine, Pyrimidin with another Pyrimidin, or completely exchanging a Purine with a Pyrimidin or vice versa. Point- or Frameshift-Mutat