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Emphysema is a disease which does tend to get worse once it appears. However, it will get worse faster if a person continues to smoke.

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Q: Quit smoking will emphysema get worse?
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If you quit smoking will your emphysema keep getting worse?

no. it may get better instead

You have paraeptal emphysema if you quit smoking now will it get better?

Not alot but maybe some.

You are 50 and have mild emphysema from smoking-you stopped smoking 6 years agoWill your emphysema get worse or will it stay as it is ie mild breathlessness?

Emphysema is a chronic long-term disease that blocks air way to lungs, meaning it will continue to affect the person by giving them shortness of breath. A treatment to Emphysema is to quit smoking as mentioned above, and then there are medications like Bronchodilators which improve the construction of the airways. So unless they keep smoking, no Emphysema can not worsen and can even be improved.

What does emphysema increased by?

Basically smoking, as the most common cause of emphysema is smoking itself.

What does emphysema increase?

Basically smoking, as the most common cause of emphysema is smoking itself.

What does smoking worsen?

smoking worsens emphysema

Can emphysema be prevented?

Yes, not smoking can prevent emphysema. However, it can not be cured.

How many emphysema cases come from smoking?

Heavy cigarette smoking causes about 80-90% of all emphysema cases

What is the major cause of emphysema?


Is don Williams a smoker?

If your talking about the country singer Don Williams, then yes he was, idk when or if he ever quit but I know he passed away due to emphysema and their are photos of him smoking.

Causes of emphysema?

The exact causes is still not known but it is believed to be caused by inhalation of polutant. These stuffs cause immune reaction that somehow destroy your alveoli. And/or smoking can cause emphysema, weakening/eating away the thin skin tissue of your lungs.

Why should you quit smoking if you already have copd?

It will get worse if you continue smoking and you can still develop any of the other diseases/problems associated with smoking. After stopping you will be tempted to buy more, try to not think about it and substitute candy as the smoking.