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Q: Raw Egg is it mixture or compound?
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Is a raw egg a compound?

No, a raw egg is a mixture. Definition of a mixture: combination of different substances (Ex: your blood or seawater) Definiton of a compound: substance that consists of two or more different types of atoms bonded together (Ex: dry ice) Definition of an element: substance that contains only a single type of atom (Ex: silver, helium, etc.)

Are eggs a compound or a mixture?

eggs are a compound no matter what you say

Is a raw egg homogeneous or heterogeneous mixture?

A raw egg is a homogeneous mixture because its components, such as egg white and egg yolk, are evenly distributed throughout the entire egg without distinct layers or regions.

Is egg pie an element compound solution or a heterogeneous mixture?

It is a heterogeneous mixture.

Is a Egg an Heterogeneous Mixture?

No, an egg is not a heterogeneous mixture. It is considered a homogenous mixture because it is made up of different components (yolk, egg white, membrane) that are evenly distributed throughout the egg.

What happens to a raw egg when left in mixture of water and vinegar?

When a raw egg is left in a mixture of water and vinegar, the vinegar dissolves the eggshell which is made of calcium carbonate. This leaves the egg membrane intact, causing it to become rubbery and transparent.

Is eggs a homogeneous or heterogeneous mixture?

Raw egg is a hetrogenous mixture, you can see this when you crack an egg, it clearly has 2 componants and you will not observe the same uniform composition if you take several random samples.

Is cane sugar a homo or heterogeneous mixture or compound?

Raw sugarcane is a heterogeneous compund, whereas pure sucrose (table sugar) is a homogeneous compound.

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Is gasoline a element a mixture or a compound

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The difference between a physical and a chemical change?

A physical change the chemical compounds remain the same in the change, in a chemical change the chemical compound changes. A good example is if you move a raw egg around in a pan, some of the egg may separate but it's still a raw egg. If you turn on the heat and cook the egg you are chemically changing the egg and it so no longer a raw egg.

Is water a compound or mixture?

Water is a compound