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Roman Catholic, Jewish, Irsh, Muslim, Germansm Quakers

wait no WRONG it was roman catholic,Jewish,Irish,Muslim,and u forgot the and germansm Quakers kk lol u dig

Pennsylvania also has the largest concentration of Moravians (oldest Protestant religion) in North America, centered in Bethlehem, Pa.
The Quakers and Baptists had a large following during colonial times as well as the Episcopal and Presbyterian Churches. The largest religion, is the Roman Catholic Church and the United Methodists are the largest Protestant faith. The Episcopal church is still influential in the larger cities and suburbs of Philadelphia. Because of a large Black population, the Baptists are one of the largest groups in the state. The oldest Lutheran Church is in Philadelphia.

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The religion of Colonial Pennsylvania was Christian.

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What religion did colonial Pennsylvania?


What is the dominant religion in colonial Pennsylvania?

The Congregational Church.

What was the religion in colonial Pennsylvania?


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What religion was practiced in Pennsylvania in the colonial times?

Mostly Christianity.

What was the religion of colonial Pennsylvania?

Most people in Pennsylvania were Quakers but that was not forced. You were free to be any religion you wished. Many Quakers came here to escape persecution from the Puritans. Penn even named the capital, Philadelphia, the "City of Brotherly Love."

Is Pennsylvania bigger than colonial Pennsylvania?

No it wasn't. Colonial Pennsylvania is about half the size of Pennsylvania today

Where was colonial Pennsylvania?

In Pennsylvania

What types of religion were practiced in the colonial Pennsylvania?

The man that originally owned Pennsylvania, William Penn, was a Quaker. A Quaker is a Christian that believes in peace. Overall, America was founded on the concepts of the Bible.

What religion was colonial Pennsylvania?

The religion Colonial Pennsylvania was made for was the Quakers. The above is somewhat of a half-truth. Yes, Pennsylvania was founded by William Penn, who was in fact a Quaker, but Pennsylvania was not created solely for the Quakers (Society of Friends). Penn viewed his colony as a "religious experiment" where any and all religions were welcome. Of the many that prospered here, German Reformists, Calvinists, Moravians, and Mennonites remain some of the more well-known during the colonial era. To answer your original question, Colonial Pennsylvania did not have an established church, but instead was considered a place where anyone could practice their faith freely.

What does Pennsylvania's colonial flag look like?

Google Pennsylvania colonial flag under images

What is the phone number of the Colonial Pennsylvania Plantation in Media Pennsylvania?

The phone number of the Colonial Pennsylvania Plantation is: 610-565-0945.