

Role of marketing in the society?

Updated: 9/13/2023
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12y ago

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The role of marketing in society is multifaceted and significant. Marketing plays a pivotal role in connecting businesses and organizations with consumers and addressing various societal needs and dynamics. Here are the key aspects of the role of marketing in society:

  1. **Consumer Awareness and Education:**

    • Marketing informs consumers about products, services, and solutions available in the market. It educates them about features, benefits, and value propositions, enabling informed purchasing decisions.
  2. **Choice and Variety:**

    • Marketing fosters competition, leading to a wider range of choices for consumers. It encourages businesses to innovate and differentiate their offerings to meet diverse consumer preferences.
  3. **Economic Growth and Employment:**

    • Marketing drives economic activity by creating demand for goods and services. It contributes to business growth, job creation, and the overall prosperity of a society.
  4. **Market Efficiency:**

    • Marketing helps allocate resources efficiently by matching supply and demand. It reduces information asymmetry by providing transparent pricing and product information.
  5. **Social Responsibility:**

    • Ethical marketing practices promote social responsibility and sustainability. Businesses engage in initiatives that benefit society, such as environmental conservation, philanthropy, and fair labor practices.
  6. **Cultural Influence:**

    • Marketing has a significant impact on shaping cultural norms, trends, and lifestyles. It reflects and influences societal values, aspirations, and behaviors.
  7. **Innovation and Technology Adoption:**

    • Marketing encourages the adoption of new technologies and innovations. It introduces consumers to advancements that can improve their quality of life.
  8. **Market Research and Feedback Loop:**

    • Marketing research provides insights into consumer needs and preferences. This feedback loop enables businesses to adapt and improve their offerings, leading to better products and services.
  9. **Access to Information:**

    • Marketing leverages various channels, including digital media, to disseminate information and connect remote or underserved communities with products and services.
  10. **Globalization and Cultural Exchange:**

    • Marketing facilitates cultural exchange and globalization by promoting products and ideas across borders. It encourages diversity and intercultural understanding.
  11. **Social Movements and Causes:**

    • Marketing can amplify social movements and causes, raising awareness and mobilizing support for issues such as environmental conservation, public health, and social justice.
  12. **Community Engagement:**

    • Local marketing efforts strengthen communities by supporting local businesses, events, and initiatives. It fosters a sense of belonging and community pride.
  13. **Problem Solving:**

    • Marketing identifies and addresses consumer pain points and challenges, offering solutions that improve people's lives.

In essence, marketing is a dynamic force that bridges the gap between producers and consumers, drives economic growth, and influences societal values and behaviors. When conducted ethically and responsibly, marketing can have a positive impact on individuals and communities, contributing to a more informed, connected, and prosperous society.

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12y ago

marketing is to deliver value to customers about the product and to aware them about the feature of the product and it will make profit to an organisation.


1.make aware about the product

2.know the customers desire

3.deliever value to customer

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