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Sociological research can aid educators, lawmakers, administrators, and others interested in resolving social problems, working for social justice and formulation public policy. BABA NI JC MURA NA MAPUROL PA. HAHAHA. TITI NI JC MALIIT NA MAKUPAD PA. PARANG STRAW NG REFRESH

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1mo ago

Sociological theory provides frameworks and concepts that help sociologists make sense of social phenomena, patterns, and relationships. It guides the study of society by offering explanations, predictions, and understandings of social structures and interactions. Sociological theories shape research questions, inform data analysis, and contribute to the development of new knowledge in the field of sociology.

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14y ago

Role of sociological theories in understanding sociology It is very clear that society is based on at their relationship. There may be any society simple, primitive or complex and modern society. There is always remained changing form of society. Some say man is more important who has made society and other say, society is more important who insist the man to live in society. There are two approaches of study name Individualistic perspective and other who gives more importance to society is called Plural perspective.

Individualistic perspective-This is ancient approach of study. The Greek thinkers suggest the theory of social contract of origin of society. The main three thinkers' Hobbes, Locke, and Russo's contribution is worth to study. According to them before birth of society ,men were living in natural circumstances .There was on control over their behavior. Thus the feeling of insecurity was there. The theory of ' might is right' was prevailed among them. To result of it all others ,who did not have mussel power ,soon will see their end. To protect themselves from this concept they did contract ,to make such social system ,where their behavior worked and controlled according to rules and regulations. If some one disobeyed ,he should be punished. This way society has been formed. This is Individualistic perspective of Greek thinkers.

J. L .Moreno described this approach differently. he say to understand society we should understand its minimum unit as "atom "unit in physics. He further adds that it is a relation of man ,which is least unit. This relation have two types of emotional tendency to attract others or to make distance with them.As soon as the age of man increased ,his scope and control of relations also increased by the same speed.This is reason why he gives importance to law.

In modern society ,this approach is not acceptable, because this approach is not giving the importance to collectiveness and loginess.This approach can not be called scientific one.

Collectivistic perspective-The advocates of this theory say that there is more importance of Collective interactions / perspective than Individualistic interaction/ perspective. The strong follower of this theory is Herbert Spencer , Hegel and Durkheim.

Herbert Spencer traced the development of human life/organ from its lowest recognizable form up to human beings. He further says that as mind controls entire body and organs, same way the society (through its rules), controls all organs /parts. Therefore society /collectivity has power to control .

Hegel- He also supports Spencer's view that there is similarity in development of individual and society/state. There is good relation and dependency among various parts of state .There is supreme will of society, which guides life of man. The existence of individual is possible only when he is member of society. The reality of life is to work ,according to wish of society. Hegel says society is more important than individual.

Durkheim-He epenthesis that to understand the nature of society, it is essential to understood the difference between collective mind an individual will.The rules an regulations made by society has more power to control individual 's free will .His theory is based on collective consciousness. The collective consciousness consists logical views of society. This collective consciousness is called society. This is reason why individual events are guided by external forces not by an individual wishes.

This is psychological interpretation of society, which can be easily understand in individual world.

Plural Perspective-Now a days in every modern society one can see there are various cultures, races ,religions, and ideologies ,which work together .In such societies there is similarity in various cultures and attitudes, and such attitude is helpful in establishing relationship among them, This system of constitute society is called Plural perspective. This approach is recently developed one, When on the basis of various cultural elements and their reciprocal give and take process ,works together ,it is called Plural Perspective. There is almost equal contribution during cultural assimilation.

E.A.Shils-The plural society is that Nation-state society, where concentration of power is not centralizes at any community. The power is decentralized among various communities. Though they have different ways of life but there is tendency to adjustment with other.On the basis of this statement there are two features of plural society.A-Society means system of extensiveness of relationship,where theory of one nation worksB-When supreme power is centralized at one community, that is not called plural one. For example all gulf and Muslim countries have collection of different people but power is rested at Islamic center, can not be called plural Perspective.

Lord Devlin-Now at present there is increasing number of nations ,where more than one cultural back grounded people live together and government makes same policy and same rules for all the people. These rules are based on moral values and have been made for the welfare of the all communities. Due to this ,participation by all , in national life has been increased. There fore extensiveness in relationship can be observed .

John Rex-When various societies of various features ,follow the same rules and same laws to make the national life organize ,it is called plural society. The Plural societies are base d on some assumptions, which can be describe as follow-

1-According to it ,the society is not restricted only up to one group or one community. The equal participation is needed by all communities to development of nation.

2-The political power is equally centralized among various communities .

3-It is comprehensive concept ,where different communities are well adapted.

4-In democratic countries ,people of all communities get equal rights and equal opportunities for development.

5-The interest and welfare of nation should be first priority faor all communities. The participation should be at national level.

6-There should be give and take arrangements of cultural aspects. Ultimately this cultural assimilation should convert in process of convergence.Therefore mixed acculturation is important feature of modern plural societies.

The best example of plural society is our country India.There are so many religions, castes, cultures, regions, communities and languages. All people have equal rights to participate in parliamentary legislative assemblies. There is same judiciary and same education system.

Due to different cultural groups ,there are always chances of creation of problems. But all people realize that there is need of tolerance ,education, and moral ethics ,which have been helpful in solving the problems.

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Q: Role of sociological theory in understanding sociology?
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What are the different proponent of sociology?

Some prominent proponents of sociology include Auguste Comte, known as the father of sociology for developing the discipline, Emile Durkheim, who focused on the study of social facts and the importance of social integration, and Max Weber, who emphasized the role of rationalization and bureaucracy in modern societies. These early sociologists laid the foundation for the development of sociological theory and research methods.

Essentials to sociology- down to earth approach chapter one?

Chapter one of "Essentials of Sociology: A Down-to-Earth Approach" typically covers an introduction to sociology as a discipline, the sociological imagination, the difference between sociology and common sense, the importance of critical thinking, and the key sociological theories like structural functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism. It also usually discusses the role of culture, socialization, and social institutions in shaping society.

What is the relevance of sociology to mass communication?

Sociology provides insights into how societies are structured, how individuals interact within these structures, and how communication influences social relationships. In mass communication, sociological theories help us understand the impact of media on society, the ways in which information is disseminated, and the role of media in shaping culture and public opinion. Studying sociology can enhance our understanding of the complex dynamics between mass media and society.

What is symbolic interactionism?

Symbolic interactionism is a sociological perspective that focuses on how individuals create shared meanings through their interactions with one another. It emphasizes the importance of symbols, language, and gestures in shaping social reality and understanding human behavior. This theory highlights the role of communication and interpretation in the construction of identity and social relationships.

Sociological theory concerned with issues of who benefits from particular social arrangements and how powerful maintain their positions is know as?

This sociological theory is known as conflict theory. Conflict theory focuses on the unequal distribution of power, resources, and opportunities in society and how this leads to conflict and competition between different social groups. It highlights the role of power dynamics in shaping social structures and outcomes.

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What are the different proponent of sociology?

Some prominent proponents of sociology include Auguste Comte, known as the father of sociology for developing the discipline, Emile Durkheim, who focused on the study of social facts and the importance of social integration, and Max Weber, who emphasized the role of rationalization and bureaucracy in modern societies. These early sociologists laid the foundation for the development of sociological theory and research methods.

Essentials to sociology- down to earth approach chapter one?

Chapter one of "Essentials of Sociology: A Down-to-Earth Approach" typically covers an introduction to sociology as a discipline, the sociological imagination, the difference between sociology and common sense, the importance of critical thinking, and the key sociological theories like structural functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism. It also usually discusses the role of culture, socialization, and social institutions in shaping society.

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Muriel Mellow has written: 'Defining work' -- subject(s): Occupations, Religion and sociology, Rural clergy, Sex role in the work environment, Sociological aspects, Sociological aspects of Occupations

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Sociology provides insights into how societies are structured, how individuals interact within these structures, and how communication influences social relationships. In mass communication, sociological theories help us understand the impact of media on society, the ways in which information is disseminated, and the role of media in shaping culture and public opinion. Studying sociology can enhance our understanding of the complex dynamics between mass media and society.

What is symbolic interactionism?

Symbolic interactionism is a sociological perspective that focuses on how individuals create shared meanings through their interactions with one another. It emphasizes the importance of symbols, language, and gestures in shaping social reality and understanding human behavior. This theory highlights the role of communication and interpretation in the construction of identity and social relationships.

Sociological theory concerned with issues of who benefits from particular social arrangements and how powerful maintain their positions is know as?

This sociological theory is known as conflict theory. Conflict theory focuses on the unequal distribution of power, resources, and opportunities in society and how this leads to conflict and competition between different social groups. It highlights the role of power dynamics in shaping social structures and outcomes.

Compare the relationship between Jurisprudence and Sociology?

Jurisprudence studies the philosophy of law, focusing on the nature of law and its principles, while sociology examines the role of law in society, studying how legal systems impact social behavior and structures. Jurisprudence is more theoretical and abstract, while sociology is more empirical and practical in its approach to understanding the legal system and its effects. Both disciplines overlap in their analysis of law, but from different perspectives and with different methodologies.

Which sociological perspective is most closely aligned with the disengagement activity and continuity theories of aging?

The functionalist perspective in sociology is most closely aligned with the disengagement and activity theories of aging. Functionalist theory emphasizes the role of institutions in maintaining social order. Both disengagement theory (withdrawal from societal roles) and activity theory (engagement in activities to maintain well-being) examine how individuals adapt to aging in relation to societal expectations and norms.

What has the author Ely Chinoy written?

Ely Chinoy was a sociologist known for his work on social change, urban studies, and industrial sociology. Some of his notable works include "Urban Life in Kingston, Jamaica" and "Society: An Introduction to Sociology."

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One sociological theory that explains murder is strain theory, which suggests that individuals may turn to violence as a way to cope with the strains and pressures they face in society. Another theory is social learning theory, which posits that individuals learn violent behavior through observing and imitating others in their social environment. Additionally, conflict theory emphasizes the role of power imbalances and social inequalities in contributing to violent behavior.

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Is regime theory the same as growth machine theory?

No, regime theory and growth machine theory are not the same. Regime theory emphasizes the role of political institutions in shaping policy outcomes, while growth machine theory focuses on the influence of economic interests in driving urban development. Both theories offer insights into understanding power dynamics and decision-making processes in different contexts.