

Should Canada draft people into the army?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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I don't think so, people should be willing to serve their country and if they are not, then maybe something needs fixed before you ask people to give their lives for a cause.

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Q: Should Canada draft people into the army?
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Who are the draft dodgers?

Someone who is fleeing from being drafted into the army..they usual go to Canada.

What is the federal government's ability to draft people into the army?

an implied power

When the army people to be soldiers?

This is called conscription. The American slang word for it is "the draft".

What is the significance of a draft?

The significance of a draft is to greatly increase the size of a countries army by forcing citizens to sign up. Then it is like a lottery where people a randomly chosen to join the army from the list.

What is the purpose of the military draft?

To Build more ships for the NavyTo Build more ships for the Navy

Can the military draft people like Lady Gaga and Usher into the army if there was a World War 3?

Im not sure but they can't draft people unless it is a serious problem

When the army forces people to be soldiers?

This is called conscription. The American slang word for it is "the draft".

Has the government ever made people join the army against their will?

Yes, it's called a draft.

Am I a draft dodger from Vietnam if I as a Canadian on an immigration visa I went to England when I received a draft notice?

Canada sent no men to Vietnam. Other than individual Canadians which crossed into the US and enlisted into the US Army/Marines. Several Canadians were killed in Vietnam while serving with the US Army/Marines. If any man receives a draft notice from his nation, and he ignores that notice; he's a draft dodger.

How did the US ready its military economy and people for war?

They strengthed their army by creating a new military draft.

Should Canada be involved in war?

no because they do not have a good standing army