

Should I forgive my best guy friend?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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IT depends on what he did. Ask your friends and parents. They will be a big help.

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Q: Should I forgive my best guy friend?
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If your best friend is going out with the guy you are crazy about do you forgive her?

no if she known yes if she didnt know about him

If you were moving to the other side of the country and your best guy friend had called you a lot of names should you forgive him even if he doesnt say sorry?

No! he should apologize first

If you were moving to the other side of the country and your best guy friend called you a lot of names should you forgive him even if he doesnt say sorry?

* Yes, you should forgive your friend because they are angry that you are moving to the other side of the country and they are fearful that you will lose touch with each other. Your friend is sad you are leaving and is taking his actions out by calling you names. If you have time go somewhere quiet where you can talk to your friend and give the reasons why you have to move and that you will keep in touch and quite possibly they can come visit you. Your friend will soon forgive you for moving. One should never lose touch with a good best friend because they are very scarce in an individual's life.

If you love your best guy friend and you just got a new boyfriend what should you do?

You should pick the best guy friend. You and the best guy would have more history. Also you knew him longer. He is more closer to you than the other guy. Most people fall in love with their best guy friend after friends with him for a while.

Can you trust your guy best friend?

yes, if he's your best friend, you should be able to trust him.

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you should be happy for her and if not then deal with it.......not trying to be rude.

What to do when your best guy friend hurts you?

* The best way to try and resolve hurting your best friend is to go to their home and face them and look them straight in the eye and apologize. Best friends forgive and if they don't then they aren't really your best friend. We are human and therefore we make mistakes and as long as we apologize for that mistake then it should be accepted and we should learn from it.

You like this guy but he is dating your best friend what should you do?

just tell him and get over it you should feel happy for her she is your best friend

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talk to the guy

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You should talk about it with your best friend. You both should be able to date whoever you want!

My best guy friend has a gf but the other night we were watching a movie together and he was lightly running his hands across my lower back we had a fight the day before what was he doing?

he should forgive his self. and let him apologize!

Should you forgive your best friend after she makes up your dream guy and then after pretending to be him she tells you he is not even real and she broke your heart?

Your best friend has an odd sense of humor and has deeply hurt you. However, both of you are young and everyone learns from their mistakes. Let your best friend know how much they hurt you and if she doesn't take it seriously then you should break up the friendship and move on. What she did was immature even for a young age.