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It would have alienated many influential slave-owners, and driven those states into the arms of the Confederacy.

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Q: Should Lincoln have freed the slaves in the border states?
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What was signed by Lincoln to free the slaves in the confederate states?

Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, which freed slaves in all the rebellious states of the Union. Lincoln had no power to enforce his statement, so no slaves were actually freed. Also, slaves in the border states that remained loyal to the Union were not freed.

Why would Lincoln free the slaves only in the confederacy and not in the union controlled border states?

Becuase he didn't want to lose the support of the border states.

Did Lincoln's proclamation free all slaves if not who still remained a slave?

The slaves in the border states, Missouri, Maryland, and West Virginia .

How many slaves were there in the border states during the Civil War?

There were 430,929 slaves in the Border States.

When was the Emacipation Proclimation?

a speech given by AAbraham Lincoln that stated that most slaves would be freed in confederate states except for the border states.

Why didnt the emancipation proclamation stop slavery?

Well Lincoln said all slaves in the SOUTH were free and northern border states still had slaves. and its not like it worked. Its like Mexico saying every Latino prisoner is free to go in the US the us wont listen Lincoln only used it for rebellion causes.

What is the percentage of slaves in the border state?

In the Border States the percentages of slaves was that of 14,25%.

Why did president Lincoln reverse general feelings order to free capture slaves?

He feared retaliation from the border states, which supported slavery

Why could Lincoln only free the slaves in the state that were in rebellion and not all of the slaves throughout the country?

President Abraham Lincoln freed slaves in rebellious areas of the US in 1863. All other slaves had been freed in the North.

What was the effect of slavery the border states had on the development of the civil war?

A triangular trade system developed, involving British manufactured goods, slaves, sugar and rum.

What happened to Northern slaves when the Emancipation Proclamation was issued?

That would mean slaves in the Border states - slave-states that had voted against joining the Confederacy. Those people would have to remain slaves until the war was won, as Lincoln did not want to upset powerful slave-owners in these crucially important states.

How long before the border states slaves were freed were the southern states slaves freed?

two years.