

Should hamsters eat oranges

Updated: 8/16/2019
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15y ago

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no as it may lead to runny exretment

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Q: Should hamsters eat oranges
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Can robo dwarf hamsters eat mandarin oranges?

No citrus fruits for hamsters.

Can teddy bear hamsters have oranges?

No, hamsters can't eat citrus fruits.

Can short haired hamsters eat oranges?

You should never let a hamster eat any kind of citrus fruits.

What fruit and veggies can fancy bear hamsters eat?

they eat apples oranges mangos kiwi pomogramits and hamster food, sunflowerseeds

What do hamsters eat to get vitamin c?

well they are allowed to eat oranges i read that in a book but it also said they can produce their own vitamin c

Can you feed a teddy bear hamster oranges if not what happens when you do?

No. Don't do it, especially not just to you see what happens. I presume oranges, lemons, lime, grapefruit are too acidic for them, thus harmful. Imagine what would happen if you drank a strong acid. There are websites on the topic of caring for hamsters, which clearly state what hamsters should and shouldn't eat. Hamsterific and Hamster Central are two of those. Go and do your homework. And keep the oranges away from your hamster.

What fruits and veggies do panda bear hamsters eat?

bamboo,leaves,oranges and bananas

Are Oranges Healthy?

Yes, you should eat 65 a day! Yes, you should eat 65 a day!

How many Oranges should I eat a day?

3 a day is a perfect amount of oranges to have every day!

Should you let the mother of the baby hamsters eat them?

No of course not

Can hamsters eat grapefruit?

Yes and no, they can eat them, but if they do eat them and they eat a lot it is likely to cause diarrhea but they can eat a rare one.

Can hamsters eat cherios?

They won't die if you feed them one or two but you shouldn't hamsters should not eat man made food and might get sick of to much of it. Secondly hamsters don't even like them.