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No because parents dont always have time and teachers should understand because they job is to teach and they sometimes dont have time for either there jobs so they have a teacher take over or they dont have time for there other part of life

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Q: Should parents go to jail for not going to school meetings?
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Should a girl be worried if her X keeps showing up at her school where he does not currently have classes?

* Yes, it's called stalking! She should let her parents and the school counselor know this is going on. If the ex is warned and does not comply then she should have her parents put a restraint order on him. For now,she should always walk with at least one friend or a group of friends and try not to walk home alone. Even when going out on the weekend she should be around friends (letting her parents know where she is going and approximately what time she will be home) because if the ex turns up at the school then he is watching her and most likely following everywhere.

Can parents get arrested for kids not going to school?


Why do you have meetings?

We have meetings to be organized and aware of things that are going on.

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Yes and no. Children would need a doctor's note, along with their parents going to the meetings with them.

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Show you parents how bad your school is, then they will lets you revise at home

Is an all school meeting for children and parents?

The child can go with the parents and the school talks about what they did that year or what they are going to be doing for example a class to help students in school

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you should calm down his happened to my friend once and todat her parents are very content. If you feel like the are never going to get along then take action and have family meetings and tell them how you fell. i am sure they will understand.

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Every kid in the USA should have a smart phone and if they don't then there parents should realize they will be made fun and be a loser at there high school

What is the percentage of kids going to school in Greece?

95% depending on the parents

How can going to school be a job?

its is really, if your parents told you this, that's just what parents do, but you do have to go to school, its against the law not to besides children do get education even friendship!

Can an 18-year-old high school student in North Carolina move out of her parents house and continue high school in another location?

Yes she could move out of her parents house but I don't know about starting high school again. But I think that once when you move out of that house then you are going to slack off and not graduate. Maybe you should think about it after you graduate from high school then going to college or university and then move away from home.

How do you travel with date in middle school with parents?

Im going to guess you mean How to travel with your parents and your date in middle school. It all depends on your parents, if their strict with dating, say your going out with a few friends, have your date in the car and when you reach your destination, say their all inside (this works with my parents, and only works on indoor dates). You should be able to walk in and have them pick you up later! If their not strict, tell them, they will probaly drive you both werever you want!