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It should not be moved. Australia day is on the 26th of January because that is the date in 1788 that the First fleet, under the command of Captain (later to become Admiral) Arthur Phillip, landed at Port Jackson. However, you can see why the Aborigines have labeled this "Invasion Day"

The nation of Australia was born on January 1st, 1901. This inauguration date was legally and constitutionally proclaimed 'in writing' by Queen Victoria on 17 September, 1900. This is our true birthday as a nation.

In 1788, there was no such thing as Australia. The British claimed the eastern half of the continent of New Holland, but only to the 135th degree of east longitude. In other words, people living west of that longitude today in S.A., W.A. & the N.T. were in no mans land in 1788. In 1788 the British were establishing a penal colony not a nation.

The inaugural celebrations of our new nation began on December 31, 1900, and so they should in the future when Australians finally will celebrate their nationhood on its correct day - January 1st.

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