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If you mean a food elimination diet to detect food allergy or intolerance, yes tomatoes should initially be excluded from your diet. If are unsure how to carry out an elimination diet (and then later a rotation diet) you could borrow a book or two from your local library if you are unable to buy them. There are many good ones. You could start with one of Dr Keith Scott-Mumby's books. Alternatively, make sure that whatever book you choose covers elimination diet, rotation diet and masked/hidden/addictive food allergy/intolerance.

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Q: Should tomatoes be avoided in an elimination diet?
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You can find out more information about elimination diets. You can get information of elimination diets at and

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You should take some semisolid or liquid diet. But then anything which you like should do when you are sick. Junk food is to be avoided.

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The most significant side effects of an elimination diet are nutritional disorders resulting from a prolonged, highly restrictive diet, and the risk of a serious reaction as suspect foods are re-introduced to the diet.

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Yes, there are sites to assist you in a diet plan for ADHD. You should visit Web MD first, they have a long list of the diet that should be avoided for those who suffer with this disease.

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Yes, box turtles can eat tomatoes, but it should not replace it's daily diet.

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What diet should patients with chronic hepatitis C follow?

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Does the elimination diet actually work?

The elimination diet does work when you want to lose weight in a hurry, but it basically only flushes out your system. Also make sure you drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.

What is a good book on food elimination diet?

There are many good books about the food elimination diet. You might care to start with one or two of Dr Keith Scott-Mumby's books. Alternatively, make sure that whatever book you choose covers elimination diet, rotation diet and masked/hidden/addictive food allergy/intolerance. You can borrow a book or two from your local library if you are unable to buy them.

What scams should I avoid that offer an easy way to lose weight?

Any offer to lose weight without a well-balanced diet or exercise should be avoided. Many pills and crash diets have both short and long term negative health consequences and should be avoided.