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Sure, it will actually help to made them feel as a worthy contributing individual to society and not just receiving a handout, having said that I do not believe it should apply to elderly people and children.

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Q: Should unemployed people be made to work for their welfare money?
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Should welfare funds be limited?

Welfare money should be replaced with welfare coupons for necessities. If a person is too lazy to get a job death is still not an appropriate punishment for lazyness so they should still get welfare, but they should get the bare minimum. That will motivate the vast majority of people, since most people aren't happy with the bare minimum.

Which new deal agency created millions of jobs so that unemployed workers could earn money of receiving welfare?

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What is the Republican position regarding welfare?

Republicans believe their money shouldn't go toward welfare because everybody has a chance at life, so why should they have to pay for the people who didn't get it right. But they do think that state government money should go to programs like that.

How does unemployment affect your economy?

When someone is unemployed, the obviously don't have a job, so they don't get a paycheck. Which means the people who have a job and work hard have to support the unemployed people with our tax money, or they could get on the Welfare System. There is alot of unemployment these days in this terrible economy and right now we are so far in debt it's not even funny.

Why should welfare be limited?

The money for welfare comes from the taxes people in work are paying. If welfare funds are not limited then two things would happen. 1) The taxes working people would have to pay would have to go up allot. 2) People in work would begin to think why should I work (and pay all these taxes) when I can get as much welfare as I need for doing nothing. The purpose of welfare is to make sure that people that have fallen on hard times do not become destitute - the amount of welfare needs to be a balance between what people need and what tax payers feel is a fair tax to ask them to contribute. This means that welfare must be limited.

Who said the welfare state is a waste of time and money?

i say welfare is a waste of time and money because it is for someone that does not want to there job but that is most of the people. all they are probably doing is sitting around and not doing what they r supposed to do. so y should we waste time for those people that don't need welfare so that's my thought. thank u for reading this answer.

What is human welfare?

Welfare is the state of doing well or aid in the form of money or necessities for those in need. Human welfare applies this idea to people.

What is the sum of money given to welfare?

why is there always money for welfare

What do governments use tax money for?

They use some of it on welfare for people who don't have enough money.

What do governments do for us?

They use some of it on welfare for people who don't have enough money.