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If you are being physically abused, absolutely - call 911, NOW!!

If the alcohol is causing an abusive relationship, then try to get the man some help - try all other avenues first before resorting to divorce. There was something that first attracted the two of you together 20 years ago - try to find that and do what you can to rescue the relationship.

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Q: Should you end 20 year marriage due to alcohol abuse by your husband?
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Verbal abuse could lead to physical abuse or even to fatality! If you are in a marriage that has no love - get out!

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Christians are taught that,marriage was designed to be one man, one woman.The only acceptable reason for divorce is infidelity, although domestic abuse is condemned as both husband and wife should love and respect each other.With God involved in your marriage it will be stronger

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99.9% of spouse abuse is caused by alcohol abuse.

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No. Abuse is only the result of the choice to use an abusive tactic. In any situation, abusive behavior is a choice, and non-abusive behavior can be chosen at the same time. The frequency of sex in a marriage can not cause abuse, but abuse can definitely impact the frequency of sex in a marriage.

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42% of animal abuse was involved with alcohol in 2005.

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Yes anxiety is very common and even inevitable in those who abuse alcohol and or drugs.

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You should be able to get a pretty good seat for under $500.

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NO -- Of course they can, anybody can abuse anybody.