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Big muscles first. Because if you do small ones first, by the time you start with the big ones you wont have enough energy. When you work your big muscles first, you use your small ones as well.

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Q: Should you exercise large muscles first or small?
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Do pushups make your mucsles grow?

Exercise will help your muscles get stronger, but strong muscles do not neccessarily have to be large.

What type of exercise produces large amounts of lactic acid in your muscles?

Anaerobic exercise; things like sudden sprints or bursts of activity.

Aerobic Versus Strength Training: Which Should Come First in Exercise Routines?

Most fitness experts agree that well-balanced exercise routines contain both aerobic exercise and strength training. The question which is often asked is which should be completed first? This depends greatly on the individual and their desired outcome from the routines, since whatever is done at the beginning will receive the most energy and focus. If large muscles is what is wanted, strength training would come first. If a healthier cardiovascular system is the main focus, aerobic exercise would come first. Either way, the exercise routines will complement each other.

Does trampolining exercise the Kegel muscles?

No. The Kegel exercises are designed for toning and tightening the PC muscles, the supporting muscles of the pelvic floor, aka the pubococcygeus muscles. The exercises involve the contracting and releasing of these pelvic floor muscles in a controlled way. The large muscle groups that are exercised with jumping and trampolining do not exercise the PC muscles. So, unless you at the same time clench the muscles that you clamp to "hold it in" (like when you have to urinate) while you jump on the trampoline, you will not be doing any exercise of the muscles involved in Kegel exercises. There are no muscles called the Kegel muscles. See the related questions for more details.

What happened if you had a big butt but once you became pregnant it went flat and six years later it has not come back?

You have not been exercising those muscles. Try doing leg lifts on your tummy. Skier's squats will also exercise the large muscles in your butt. Get off the chair and walk! Those muscles respond well to exercise, and your butt will come back.

Can running after a few months of eating right and doing muscle workouts to gain muscle make you lose fat and not muscle?

Your large muscles normally burn some fat. I have no Idea what you mean by muscle workouts. Continuous exercise is better than just short bursts of exercise. Both can build muscles.

How can you lose weight in two months if you are in junior high and 20 pounds overweight?

Anything that is physical. Run for half an hour to an hour a day. Bicycling for the same amount of time. Any exercise that uses the large muscles will help you with weight loss. If you strengthen and/or enlarge the large muscles you will tend to loose more.

What type of weight training to develope large muscles?

Try to use light weight for the first two months.

If you squeeze your muscles should you feel the tampon inside you?

You may, particularly if it's large or has been in for a while. If you feel discomfort when sque3ezing your muscles, the tampon probably isn't in far enough.

What are ileocecal valves?

They are sphincter muscles that control the flow of waste products from the ileum and the cecum, the first part of the large intestine.

What weight of dumb bells should I get to strengthen and tone my arm muscles during my aerobic workout?

That's depends upon your level of strength.In general the smallest type are more than sufficient.You don't want to get them too large or you'll tire before you get the benefits of a true aerobic exercise.

Which muscles are your chest muscles?

The Pectoralis Major (large superficial) and Pectoralis Minor