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Anaerobic exercise; things like sudden sprints or bursts of activity.

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Q: What type of exercise produces large amounts of lactic acid in your muscles?
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Fermentation in muscle cells produces?

Fermentation in muscle cells produces lactic acid. This happens when you have overworked your muscles, which can happen during exercise.

When would your muscles produce lactic acid?

The muscles build lactic acid when you're doing strenuous exercise.

When you do lot of exercise your muscles get tired and you feel cramps in your muscles why?

lactic acid accumulation

Why is it that you can exercise for a longer period of time when you exercise aerobically than when exercise anaerobically?

Anaerobic exercise uses about 10 times more energy than aerobic exercise, and you have more "fuel" available for aerobic exercise. Anaerobic exercise also produces lactic acid, which is what causes your muscles to burn.

Why do you get a burring sensation in your muscles during exercise?

that burning sensation is the lactic acid building up in your muscles when your muscles produce lactic acid the start to burn thats why you get the sensation

What forms in your muscles as you exercise?

BROSKIE! i have no idear :c

Which exercise phase helps rid the muscles of lactic acid?


What is the disadvantadage of anaerobic respiration?

It produces lactic acid which exhausts your muscles in no time

Why do athletes experience a burning sensation in their muscles after exercise?

It is caused by the build up of lactic acid in the muscles.

What causes a painfulburning sensation in muscles after vigorous exercise?


What in muscle cells increase as a result of exercise?

One thing that increases in our muscles when we exercise is lactic acid.

Why athletes experience a burning sensation in their muscles after vigorous exercise?

It is caused by the build up of lactic acid in the muscles.