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Q: What causes a painfulburning sensation in muscles after vigorous exercise?
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Why athletes experience a burning sensation in their muscles after vigorous exercise?

It is caused by the build up of lactic acid in the muscles.

What causes a painful burning sensation in muscles after vigorous exercise?

torn muscle tissue

Why do you get a burring sensation in your muscles during exercise?

that burning sensation is the lactic acid building up in your muscles when your muscles produce lactic acid the start to burn thats why you get the sensation

Why do athletes experience a burning sensation in their muscles after exercise?

It is caused by the build up of lactic acid in the muscles.

A warm-up routine prepares the entire body for vigorous exercise but especially the?


Why do your muscles get sor after vigorous exercise?

get big or die trying init is all up to man lol

Which process causes athletes to experience a burning sensation in their muscles?

The burning sensation in muscles during intense exercise is a result of lactic acid accumulation. When the body can't provide enough oxygen to the muscles (anaerobic exercise), lactic acid is produced as a byproduct, causing the burning sensation. This is known as the "burn" or muscle fatigue.

When people exercise too hard what builds up in their muscles?

Lactic acid will build up. That causes a burning sensation.

Why do peoples heart rates increase when exercising?

During vigorous exercise the heart is moving more oxygenated blood into the muscles, so it has to pump faster.

What causes muscle cramping after vigorous exercise or repeated movement?

Muscle contraction and relaxation require salts which are lost through sweat during vigorous exercise. This causes some muscles particularly low in these materials to contract uncontrollably, creating a cramp.

Does blood flow to the kidneys increase during vigorous exercise?

Yes, blood flow to the kidneys typically increases during vigorous exercise to help meet the increased oxygen demand of the muscles. This increased blood flow helps the kidneys maintain proper filtration rates even during intense physical activity.

Why does exercise make you warmer?

Vigorous exercise boosts your body's heat production and can increase ... Sweating helps to cool you during a vigorous workout. ... As your muscles warm up during your workout, blood circulating ... In hot, humid weather, your body is less able to dissipate excess heat, making overheating more of a risk.