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No. You should dial 911 immediately. We are talking poisoning here. Once symptoms appear, they will quickly get worse over time. You have NO time to lose. That is right but ipecac syrup or charcoal pills will help prevent more alcohol from being absorbed while the medics are on the way. Never have the person vomit on their back, as that is a major alcohol related cause of death if they are not conscious. Food can absorb some alcohol but call 911 first regardless.

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Q: Should you give a person food if they are showing signs of alcohol overdose?
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What should you do if a person is showing signs of an alcohol overdose?

Call 911 immediately.

If someone is showing alcohol overdose should you lay them flat on their back?

If you think someone has alcohol poisoning, you should call paramedics and take them to the hospital. They may need to get their stomach pumped. Encouraging the person to vomit could help as well. Drinking lots of water is a must.

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The risk of an alcohol overdose is reduce is a person drinks in moderation and on a full stomach. Alcochol poisoning is very dangerous and can be fatal.

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A dual diagnosis treatment is the appropriate treatment for alcohol and drug overdose. The are rehabilitation programs that provides excellent treatment programs along with drug alcohol intervention.A bit more:If a person has overdosed on drugs, the primary treatment is to administer Narcan, which is an opiate antagonist. This means it helps to reverse the effects of the drug.

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No. A lower body temperature is associated with alcohol overdose or poisoning. If ever in doubt, obtain medical attention ASAP. Alcohol poisoning is very dangerous and can be fatal. Many universities today have an alcohol amnesty or Good Samaritan policy to protect both the victim and the person who seeks medical attention for the victim.

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