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A very good idea. Any charge off - which is really only an accounting entry on the books of your creditor - that you haven't received an offical agreement/notice that the creditor has actually forgiven the debt and relieved you of having to pay, (not just accepted it may be worth nothing and uncollectable), is still an obligation to you.

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Q: Should you include your charge offs on your bankruptcy?
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Can you rid charge offs on your credit report if that creditor was included in your bankruptcy?

The charge offs will remain the required seven years and should be noted as included or discharged in bankruptcy.

How do you remove charge offs from a credit report?

Charge-offs remain on your credit report for 7 years. If the account has been included in a bankruptcy, it should be marked as such...."included in bankruptcy". However, according to the Fair Credit Reporting Act, if you dispute the charge-off with the credit bureau and the creditor can not verify the account, it must be removed from your credit report immediately. Only the original creditor or the credit bureaus can remove a charge off, either through negotiations or through the dispute process.

What should a credit report update to after bankruptcy cause mine is just showing bad debt write off AND it's still reporting to bureau?

Your credit report will still show those charge offs for some time, as well as the bankruptcy. You will see an improvement once the bankruptcy is discharged, but it will be slow. You'll need to pay everything on time going forward.

If your charge-offs are two years old is it better to wait five years for your credit to clear or file for bankruptcy?

Are the charge off creditors taking collection action? Bankruptcy should be a last resort always. If creditors are harrassing you, but you make enough to pay some of the obligation, make a settlement offer to get them off your back. If they are not trying to collect, the charge offs will remain on your report wether or not you pay them, so if all else is ok financially with you, just leave them alone. If you are trying to buy a house, though, your prospective lender may require you to pay them off in full since they are not aged accounts.

How long do charge offs stay on your credit report?

Charge offs will stay on your credit report for 3 to 7 years

Should you still pay charge offs if its been longer than 2 years?

Yes defiantly.....

How should you go about purchasing an auto with a judgment and 2 charge offs on your credit?

Buy a cheap one and pay cash.

What are charge offs?

Charge offs are accounts that have been written off by the creditor as uncollectable. The debt owed is still valid and can be collected on either by the original creditor or by a collection agency. You can only erase charge offs by disputing them to the credit bureaus or negotiating the removal by the original creditor.

When do charge offs begin?

Approximately 180 days after the DLA.

Can a foreclosure or charge offs cause you to lose your security clearance?


What is the meaning of the phrase 'charge-offs'?

The phrase "charge-offs" is the announcement by a creditor that an amount of debt is unlikely to be collected. This process often develops when a consumer becomes severely delinquent on their debt.

Do charge offs go off if you file chapter 13 bankruptcy?

Charge off will still show up on your credit report as such as well as the bankruptcy. Chapter 13 requires the individual to repay a portion of the charged off balance this is a type of Settlement that the credit card companies/loan agengies will accept as legally binding agreement. Chapter 13 usually require a payment for 36 to 60 months.