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Q: Should you lift if you pregnant?
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Should a pregnant women lift a 50 lb box?

Absolutely not. It isn't recommended to lift more than 10.

Can you lift anything heavy while in your first trimister in pregnancy?

You should not lift heavy things when you are pregnant.

Why are you not supposed to lift your hands above your head while pregnant?

This is an old wives tale. You can lift your hands above your head.

What If You are pregnant and take care of an elderly person Is it safe to lift and how much?

No it is not safe to lift heavy weights when pregnant especially not another grown up person. All the best to you!

Things you can't do while pregnant?

lift heavy things

I lift heavy stuff and am 2 months pregnant is that safe?


Can you drive a fork lift whilst pregnant?

I don't see why not as long as you have been trained and certified to operate a fork lift.

If your pregnant can you lift heavy things?

No,but due to body changes such as ligament softening and differences in balance it can be dangerous. Try not to lift more than 20-25% of the weight you felt comfortable with before becoming pregnant, and when lifting use your knees not your back.Answer:NOPlease do not lift anything while pregnant. You should even restrict the times you lift other children you may have. If you must lift, use your knees not your back and stomach.Lifting will NOT cause a miscarriage but as the pregnancy hormones soften all the ligaments it is very easy to hurt yourself, NOT the baby.

How many weight should you lift?

kids 10-12 should lift 8 or 9 pounds adults if you are strong you should lift 20-35 pounds.

What can't you do when you are pregnant?

You shouldn't drink alcohol, smoke or lift heavy objects

What should you do if unable to lift a box?

Get someone to help you lift it.

Can you refuse to lift heavy boxes at work?

You can refuse. Your employer may be so afraid of on-the-job injuries that they will get someone else to lift the boxes, or they may fire you for refusing to lift them. What you need is documentation from a doctor to specify how much weight you can lift. Pregnant women and people recovering from injuries should not be lifting heavy boxes, but some employers are less scrupulous on this issue than others.