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Q: Should you put Berber carpet upstairs?
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What is the most expensive carpet?

The best carpet you can buy is a wool carpet. My parents, who had five children, put a wool carpet in the upstairs children's area. When the house sold in 2006, the carpet had no holes from wear. The color was way out of fashion, so if you get a wool carpet, pick a neutral.

Could Berber carpeting cause allergic reaction?

Yes, Berber carpeting can potentially trap allergens such as dust mites, pet dander, and mold, which may trigger allergic reactions in some individuals. Regular cleaning and maintenance of the carpet can help reduce allergen buildup and minimize the risk of allergic reactions.

What should you put down on cement before laying carpet?

Moisture and mold resistant carpet padding.

How do you get upstairs of the spyglasses in spy island?

Go into the downstairs. Take the eye test, but answer backwards. For E put in 3, 3 put in E, m put in w, w put in m. Then you can go upstairs.

How do you remove an old coke stain on berber carpet?

put vinegar and scrub with soap if it doesnt work put salt I'd try using the fix I used for spaghetti sauce on berber carpet since Coke is an organic stain. Check it out by going to the Related Question below. Worked for a charm for us and we tried everything!

I just got a desktop computer for upstairs and i don't want to run wire all the way up to the computer. How do you get internet to the upstairs of your house without running wire?

I would suggest WiFi but i dont know if it really works for a desktop. You can put the wire under carpet edges and stuff to keep it out of site. I will improve this or can osmebody improve it for me pls :D

What three letter word is an upstairs room?

air put map

Maintaining A Nice Carpet?

Homeowners should do their best to keep their carpet nice and clean. Carpeting is one of the first things that a visitor notices, and a filthy or damaged carpet sends the message that the occupant isn't responsible or put together. Smoking can have a tremendous negative impact, because it's not uncommon for smokers to accidentally flick ashes on the carpet. That's why smokers should use coffee tables, as a minimum requirement. In order to safeguard your carpet completely, all smoking should be done outside. Another helpful tip: the shorter the carpet, the less work it is to keep the carpet clean.

Can you put heated flooring under carpet?

Yes but it is not as effcient because the carpet insulates it.

Wide plank flooring or carpet?

Since no one has a picture of what your house is no one can answer but you. You should make a decision based on what kind of furniture you have and the surrounding ambiance.

If you have put a tiny stain in a carpet that is old do you have to pay the owner to buy a new carpet?

nope - you do not replace old carpet with new carpet at your cost. PERIOD

Should you go upstairs during a fire alarm?

The answer depends upon your situation! If you are in a basement of a dwelling, and the fire exit is upstairs, then it would be wise to go upstairs to exit when the fire alarm sounds. If you are below decks in a ship, going upstairs may also be the only way to get to safety when an alarm sounds. In other situations, where you are already at the ground floor or above, going upstairs may be a poor choice. However, there are high-rise alarm systems that will, in fact, direct some people "upstairs" away from a fire, at least temporarily. In theory, this allows firefighters time to enter and put out the fire. In reality, it may put occupants at a higher risk by moving them further from the only workable exits, at the ground floor.