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== == * Marriage is built on trust, honesty, communication, and respect of one another. He broke one of the golden rules TRUST! He's been cheating on you for quite sometime and didn't see fit to tell you. Women/men of any age should have zero tolerance for this behavior. Cheating on you is certainly not a good basis for a good marriage. He may have discussed marriage with you and got cold feet, but he should have been man enough to split-up and date other women and then, if he came back and realized he loved you and wanted to marry you the trust issue is still there. Don't believe him! YOU ARE IN CONTROL!!!! If you love him and aren't quite sure put the leash around his neck and give it a jerk every so often. That means go out on a few dates with him, but act nonchalant and date other guys. Make him work for your attention! == == * Tell him that if he ever wants to get married then he should set things straight with you so you know all about him.

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Q: Should you stay with your boyfriend if you found out he cheated on you recently but he says he has already cut ties with the other woman and that he loves you and sees you getting married?
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not to be rude but if he cheated on you i would not take him back. find some one else there are plenty of fish in the sea. no man should cheat on there girl. because he cheated on you if you do get him back he's going to do it again and again behind your back and im not trying to be rude just trying to keep you from getting hurt again

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