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If she hasn't stopped or is doing it a lot all of the sudden, I would call the vet first, and see if it's serious. If it is, yes, take it. If no, well then...

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If you can afford it send him/her to the vet and if you can't then just wait it out.

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Q: Should you take your cat to the vet if she starts sneezing?
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How do you keep your cat form snezzing all of the time?

sneezing could mean your cat's healthy, but it could also be very sick. If your cat sneezes constantly, you should take him to the vet.

If your cat starts to lose fur What is causing it and should you take her to the vet?

no the cat is just fine. its just shedding

Can you give cat flu to other cats?

No. Cat flu can only infect cats. Cat flu, like a human cold, is contagious, so cat flu can spread quickly in a multi-cat household. If your cat starts sneezing, become lethargic, off its food, has mucus coming from its eyes or nose you should take them to the vet & have them checked out. Most vets will often prescribe a week-long dose of antibiotics. Never use your own medicine on your pet.

If your cat is sneezing and has watery eyes can you give him some benadryl?

Never give a cat human medicine. Human medicine is much stronger than cat or dog medicine and you could easily overdose the cat. The sneezing and watery eyes could be a sign of Respiratory Infection (cat flu). Take it to a vet just in case.

What does the superstition a cat sneezing is a good omen for everyone who hears it mean?

it means ' for everyone one that hears a cat sneezing, its good luck'

I think my cat has a cold its sneezing really hard and its eyes are blood shot and dripping what do i do?

Take it to the vet, asap.

What should you do for a young munchkin cat that is sneezing and coughing and hacking?

I would take it to the vet it could be serious or it could be allergies, but either way it would be mean to let it just suffer.

Would human amoxicillin take care of a sneezing cat?

There's no such thing as "human amoxicillin", and you should not give unprescribed antibiotics to your cat (you shouldn't even HAVE them... you're supposed to take all the antibiotics prescribed for you, even if you "feel better" when you've still got pills left).

What if cats are sneezing?

animals can catch a cold too take it to the vet they will give u medicine it happened to my cousin's cat

Can you give human antibiotics to a cat for sneezing?

i wouldnt if i were you.

Why is the cat drooling and sneezing?

Drooling and sneezing in a cat can be caused by a variety of reasons including dental issues, respiratory infections, allergies, or foreign objects stuck in their nose. It is best to take your cat to the vet for a proper diagnosis and treatment.

What do sneeze do?

Cats cat sneeze for a number of reasons. Usually, your cat sneezing just a little bit is a good thing, a sign of him being healthy. However, there are a number of other things that can cause a cat to sneeze. If your cat is sneezing constantly, has discharge from the eyes, has difficulty breathing, etc., he might have Feline Herpes or Chlamydiosis. Don't worry, you won't be able to contract this from your cat; they can only give it to other felines. But this can become a serious condition if not treated by a vet. So really, it depends on the level of how much your cat is sneezing. If it's minimal, don't worry! Your feline companion should be fine. However, if he's sneezing constantly and having any of the symptoms listed above, you should make an appointment with the vet as soon as possible.