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Q: Should you take your money out the bank before filing bankruptcy?
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Can you get a loan after bankruptcy in Canada?

After filing for bankruptcy in Canada you may borrow money. The risk is borne by the creditor. During bankruptcy, after filing but prior to being discharged, you may obtain credit with a value of up to $1,000. without advising the creditor of your bankruptcy. Should you seek to borrow more than $1,000 you are obliged to advise the lender that you have filed for bankruptcy.

How do you get money owed to you from a landlord if he says hes filing bankruptcy?

If you're in Texas.... GOODLUCK!

While filing bankruptcy is your current bank notified?

Only your creditors should receive the bankruptcy notice. A careless petition preparer could have names and addresses on the list that do not belong there. If you don't owe your bank any money, they should not be on the list.

What happens when filing bankruptcy because of gambling?

Whether or not you lost money gambling has nothing to do with bankruptcy. The question is whether or not you can pay your bills. Do you make Twenty thousand a year and owe two hundred thousand? Are bill collectors at your door day and night? Then you file bankruptcy.

How can money be kept when filing bankruptcy?

It can't be kept. All assets must be declared, even cash. Anything left out can be treated as bankruptcy fraud.

Can you sell property before filing bankruptcy?

Yes but the trustee can seek to include the money received in your estate. If you have sold it to family or friends to avoid losing it in bankruptcy, the trustee can have the sale reversed.

If you received a sizeable tax refund but spent it before you filed bankruptcy will that money affect you?

The judge may ask you what it was spent on. Necessities such as food, shelter, utilities etc. are acceptable and a usual answer. You did the right thing. Receive and spend the refund before filing bankruptcy, if possible. Of course, is not always possible due to the stress from pressure by creditors. You should weigh the relief bankruptcy provides against the amount of stress you can live with.

How will you know when someone who owes you money has filed or is in the process of filing bankruptcy?

Set them straight, what ever position you or they are in.

When filing bankruptcy can the gov take you retirement money?

No, retirement accounrts (ERISA qualified) are protected from seizure.

Is it safe to do credit card cash advances before file bankruptcy?

Not really. Cash advances can and will be scrutinized by the bankruptcy Trustee for up to ONE YEAR prior to your bankruptcy filing date. If you take a cash advance and then file bankruptcy, that portion of your debt may not be discharged, on top of having to account for why you took it and what you spent the money on.

Can you get garnished money back after filing bankruptcy?

No. And the filing will stp the garnishment, at least temporarilary. The debt, and all your others, as well as all your assets, will be involved in the BK.