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No, retirement accounrts (ERISA qualified) are protected from seizure.

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Q: When filing bankruptcy can the gov take you retirement money?
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Is it possible for a creditor to take your monthly salary after filing bankruptcy?

No, unless the creditor gets relief from stay or the bankruptcy is dismisssed.

Can you pull out your retirement and file chapter 7 bankruptcy?

Retirement funds are exempt, but if you take them out of a qualified retirement plan and put them into a regular account, they are no longer exempt. Get some good advice from an experienced bankruptcy lawyer before you do anything.

Why can a trustee take your income tax return if you are filing a chapter 7 bankruptcy which relieves you of your debt and does the trustee give the money to the creditors?

The trustee may take the refund and distribute it to creditors because a tax refund is not considered an exempted asset under bankruptcy laws.

How do you prevent losing money in a joint bank account when one person is filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy and the other is not?

You don't, if you want to keep your money, don't share you account with some who won't take care of it.

Is it safe to do credit card cash advances before file bankruptcy?

Not really. Cash advances can and will be scrutinized by the bankruptcy Trustee for up to ONE YEAR prior to your bankruptcy filing date. If you take a cash advance and then file bankruptcy, that portion of your debt may not be discharged, on top of having to account for why you took it and what you spent the money on.

How long does it take to see an improvement in credit score after filing bankruptcy?

About 4 to 5 years

If your husband files bankruptcy can they take the wifes' possessions?

It depends on that State's laws, but usually, if the wife is not a co-signor on any of the debt's that the husband is filing, she is exempt. To be on the safe side, check with the bankruptcy lawyer filing the petition.

Can i sue someone if i am in the prossess of a chapter 7 bankruptcy?

Not as a rule. If the claim was something that arose after the filing, it will depend on the nature of the claim. If the claim arose prior to filing, you must have disclosed the claim in the bankruptcy documents and the trustee may take over the claim. Consult a lawyer knowledgeable in bankruptcy.

Can the Trustee take money after the bankruptcy is dismissed?