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If you were really her best friend then you shouldn't say anything. they shouldn't have to worry about a competition. because most likely they will tell the partner and you don't want to take chances of them having a thing about you. that will be all bad. not to mention you don't need to put stress on their mind. she/he is your best friend. you don't need to lose a friendship over a partner...

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Q: Should you tell your best friend that you love her if she has a boyfriend who was her first love and first sexual partner and when and how should you tell her?
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Yes it is tacky to tell a friend about an ex boyfriend's current sexual partners. It proves you are small minded; a gossiper and have a hidden desire to hurt your ex. You will be the loser.

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A friend can be a lover and a lover can be 'just' friends! Sexual intercourse is involved with a lover, mental and emotional intercourse are more the realm of a friend. Hence, the categories need not be mutually exclusive!

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The girl will not get pregnant unless she has sexual intercourse with her boy friend. There are high chances that she will go for sexual intercourse with her boy friend during taking a bath.

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If he or she is your friend then you should treat them as such. Their sexual orientation should not enter into the matter.

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No serious relationship can work if not exclusive. She can have more than one sexual partner, but only if her partners can do the same. Any pretence of a relationship with more than one partner will inevitably cause favoritism, jealousy and ultimately failure.

Can your ex-boyfriend still be a friend?

I truly believe that an ex-boyfriend can be a friend after the relationship has ended. It may be awkward at first especially if you broke up with him, and also if you then have another partner, as the ex will feel jealous and as if you just wanted to flaunt your new partner in front of him. Most relationships that end amicably, will end in friendship. Whereas relationships that end with a more futile experience, makes it hard to be friends. It is also to be difficult to go back to being friends if you have participated in sexual acts with the boyfriend, because he may use this against you in future relationships. Hope this helps xx

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it depends, if you have a friend with benefits that you makout and ect, yes it is cheating BUT, if you have a frend with benefits but you dont do anything sexual then no its not cheating

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When a sexual partner says sexual things to their partner, it can be referred to as dirty talk or erotic talk. It involves using explicit, sexual language to enhance sexual arousal and communication during intimate moments.

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No. Your friend has had a lot of sex partners. Sex is fun, but it's not enough for a lasting, meaningful relationship. So if you want an actual boyfriend who cares about you more than sexual satisfaction, keep doing what you're doing!

What if your boyfriend tells you he has a sexual attraction to your best friend?

It depends on the context of the situation. It's natural to be attracted to other people - that is just human nature. As long as your boyfriend doesn't act on it, everything should be okay. However, if it is more than attraction, and your boyfriend has feelings for your best friend, it may be time to evaluate your relationship. Life is too short to be with someone you can't trust.

If a woman is diagnosed with pelvic inflammatory disease should she tell her partner?

If a woman is diagnosed with PID, she should see that her sexual partner is also treated to prevent the possibility of reinfection.

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