

Best Answer

You might be in a situation very similar to mine originally. What I did was ask her to tell me about her boyfriend and her. I knew it was wrong for me to want her, so I was hoping from hearing about it I would be discouraged, and I also told her that. However, since I confessed like that, she knew I wanted her, and she also had a crush on me. As things are now, she left her previous boyfriend for me... normally I would've told her it's wrong, she shouldn't leave him for me whom she didn't even really know, but she told me the thing with her current boyfriend isn't anything much anyway, they hadn't texted for about two weeks and so on, so I dropped any bad thoughts I had had.

In conclusion: yes, tell her and ask her for help getting over it.

Answers by other contributors:

This really depends on personal preference. The first thing you need to consider is how valuable your friendship with her is. Only go through with this if you feel that losing her friendship is a worthwhile risk.

Next, you have to ask yourself if you mind taking a girl from another guy. In my opinion she's fair game. If she finds you more attractive and interesting than the guy she is currently with, then you are only doing her a favor. However, be careful, because sometimes boyfriends will become violent if you are seen as "stealing" their girlfriend. Also, if you're at all friends with her boyfriend then you will definitely lose that friendship as well. You have to weigh all of these variables and then make up your mind yourself. Remember, you're not cheating on anybody, she is.

As to actually going about doing it, there isn't much you need to know or worry about. Just game her the same way you would any other girl. If she brings up that she has a boyfriend simply act unphased and say something like "That's cool, maybe I can meet him sometime!"

If you're currently viewed as too much of a friend, that means that she is too comfortable around you. You have too much rapport with her and have become stuck in the "Friends zone". To get out of the friends zone you have to break rapport. You can do this by disagreeing with her on a topic, or by making a sexual joke. Basically anything that will inject sexual tension into your relationship is good. This can be done verbally, or with touch and eye-contact as well.

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Q: Should you tell your new female friend that you like her as more even though she has a boyfrined?
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