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Congress agreed to allow Missouri to join the Union as a slave-state, on condition that no new slave-states were admitted anywhere North of the parallel that marked Missouri's Southern border.

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Q: Slavery became a proble in 1819 when what state join the union?
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Related questions

What States that remained in the Union but allowed slavery were referred to as?

Kentucky, Missouri, Maryland, Delaware. Later, West Virginia became a new Union state, though there was very little slavery there.

Are confederate states free states?

no the union are free ,confederate are agents slavery Not true. Md,De,Mo,Ky were Union states that had slavery. In the middle of the war,WVa became a Union state (June '63) and also allowed slavery. All Confederates had slavery.

Why did slavery become a major national issue in 1850?

the issue of slavery became important again in 1850. At that time, california requested to join the union as a free state.

What number state did Wisconsin got added to the union?

Wisconsin was admitted into the Union on May 29, 1848 becoming the 30th state to join the Union.

What state made up the counties that broke away from the confederate state?

The new state of West Virginia, which became a Union state, even though it was still practising slavery on a small scale.

Was there slavery in massachussetts?

no massachussetts was a union state.

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Who was the slavery civil war between?

The Union States (northern and non slavery) and the Confederate State (seceded from the union, southern, and pro slavery).

When was the state Tennessee founded?

In 1796, it became the sixteenth state to join the union.Tennessee was admitted into the Union on June 1, 1796 becoming the 16th state to join the Union.

Was Ohio a Confederate or Union state?

Union state in the civil war with is North and was anti slavery

What was an outcome of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia in 1917?

Answer this question… The Soviet Union became the world's first communist state.

When was slavery abolished in Kansas if it had slavery?

Kansas was a "free" state, therefore it never had slavery. It entered the Union as a "free" state on January 29, 1861.