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Smoking is a leading cause of preventable deaths worldwide, with numerous health risks, such as cancer, Heart disease, and lung disease. It is important for individuals to quit smoking and for public health initiatives to promote awareness about the dangers of smoking.

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Q: Smoking kills more people than alcohol AIDS car accidents illegal drugs murders and suicides combined?
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How many teens have died in 2009 due to underage drinking?

In 2009, approximately 4,300 underage individuals died from alcohol-related causes, which includes accidents, homicides, and suicides related to alcohol consumption. Among these deaths, some were specifically attributed to underage drinking.

What percent of all fatal accidents involve alcohol?

35 percent of fatal crashes involve alcohol use.

How many alcohol related deaths occur each year?

drinking and driving causes over 25,ooo deaths a year. overall 100,000 deaths occur each year due to the effects of alcohol.Correction: According to the NHTSA web site (, there were 43,443 alcohol related traffic fatalities in 2005 in the USA. As a comparison, AIDS claimed 18,000 lives in 2003. How can alcohol be blamed for 100,000 deaths each year? * 5% of all deaths from diseases of the circulatory system are attributed to alcohol. * 15% of all deaths from diseases of the respiratory system are attributed to alcohol. * 30% of all deaths from accidents caused by fire and flames are attributed to alcohol. * 30% of all accidental drownings are attributed to alcohol. * 30% of all suicides are attributed to alcohol. * 40% of all deaths due to accidental falls are attributed to alcohol. * 45% of all deaths in automobile accidents are attributed to alcohol. * 60% of all homicides are attributed to alcohol. * (Sources: NIDA Report, the Scientific American and Addiction Research Foundation of Ontario.) Also see Alcohol Consumption and Mortality, Alcohol poisoning deaths, CDC report, 100,000 deaths. That's more than a statistic. That is 100,000 individuals with faces. 100,000 individuals with lives not fully lived. 100,000 individuals grieved by mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, and children. Every year. Go to the FAS Resource Center Main Page

How many people die from beer every year?

There are very few reported cases of people dying directly from consuming beer. In general, the main concern with beer consumption is related to alcohol intoxication and its negative effects, such as impaired judgment leading to accidents.

What is the percentage of alcohol related deaths in car accidents?

Alcohol is a factor in about 29% of all traffic-related deaths in the United States. This makes it one of the leading causes of fatal car accidents. It is important for drivers to never drink and drive to help prevent these tragedies.

Related questions

Each year kills more people than alcohol AIDS car accidents illegal drugs murders and suicides?

smoking; combined

Smoking kills more people than the combination of 6 things?

Yes. Smoking kills more people than car crashes, suicides, alcohol, murders, illegal drugs and AIDS combined.

How many people die from alcohol and drug-related incidents combined to include all types of accidents overdoses suicides gun shots per year in the US?

sucide: 100,000 ages range from 10-30. drug and achol over doses: 1,400 teens per year.

Do Americans die more from poor diet and physical inactivity than from alcohol abuse car accidents and guns combined?

No, i guess

What diseases do you get when you are abusing alcohol?

Abusing alcohol over a period of years, especially when combined with smoking, raises the risk of developing throat cancer, cirrhosis of the liver, and several other physical problems.

What is worse alcohol or smoking?


How many people were killed in accidents involving alcohol in?

16,653 people were killed in alcohol-related accidents in 2000.

How many car accidents are there related with alcohol per year?

41,000 also died in alcohol related car accidents

How many people were killed in 2000 in accidents involving alcohol?

In 2000 how many people where killed due to alcohol related accidents?

What percentage or car accidents are cause by alcohol?

39% of accidents are caused by alchocal.

What percentage of suicides involve alcohol use?

Untreated alcoholism is 100% fatal.

What effect does alcohol and smoking have on cataract formation?

Smoking and alcohol intake have been implicated in cataract formation.