

Stain name used for onion cells?

Updated: 8/9/2023
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safranine stain is used to stain onion cells

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to see them clear and that all them can come up together

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To make them more visible

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Q: Stain name used for onion cells?
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Stain . Iodine is one.

Which stain you should use to stain onion peel?

Both Iodine and Methylene Blue will work - iodine is probably used more often for onion.

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Why is iodine used when observing onion cells?

AnswerIodine was used to stain onion epidermal cells so you could see the cells more clearly and examine them. Naturally, the cell parts are difficult to see because they are clear.You put iodine on onion cells in order to make parts of the cell which were translucent, more visible. This is because iodine stains starch present in the onion cell.

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A stain used to observe the organelles of cells.

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Methylene blue is used for many different staining purposes, but one of the main ones is staining RNA or DNA. In animal cells, it will stain the cytoplasm and the nucleus (the nucleus will be much darker).

Why is decolorization necessary when performing a gram stain?

During the procedures of a gram stain, decolorization is necessary to remove any stain or color from the gram negative cells. When a dye is used to stain gram positive cells, both gram positive and gram negative cells retain color. Mordant is used to bind the original stain to gram positive cells so when decolorizer is used they retain color. After the mordant has been used a decolorizer is used to wash away colo in gram negative cells. Counterstains are used to stain gram negative cells to better visualize contrasting cells. An example of a decolorizer that works well is ethanol.

Why onion is used to see the structure of a plant cell?

because it has plant cells

What dye is used to stain cheek epithelial cells in lab?

methane blue

What does iodine do to cells?

Iodine can be harmful to cells in high concentrations as it has a toxic effect by damaging proteins and nucleic acids. However, at lower concentrations, iodine is necessary for the production of thyroid hormones that are essential for regulating metabolism and other bodily functions.