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do you like to listen to music more or read a book

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3d ago

Me gusta más escuchar música, pero también disfruto de leer un buen libro de vez en cuando. Ambas actividades me permiten relajarme y desconectar.

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Q: Te gusta mas escuchar musica o leer un libro?
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What does te gusta mas escuchar musica o leer un libro mean in spanish?

It is translated into: "I like to listen to music." If you were talking about someone else then you would say "Le gusta escuchar musica." You might also want to add "A Ella (she) or A El (he)" because Le can mean she, he, they (females) or they (males).

Que te gusta mas leer libro o leer revistas?

Para mi me gusta leer libros. (en español, por supuesto.)

What does te gusta mas escuhar musica o leer un libro mean?

It means "Would you rather listen to music or read a book?" Literally, "please you more to listen to music or to read a book?"

How do you write we love to sing and read and listen to music in spanish?

Nos encanta cantar y leer y escuchar musica.

How do you say 'i like to read books' in spanish?

Leo Que lea leí he leído Que leyera / leyese

What is 'Me gusta leer revistas' when translated from Spanish to English?

"I like to read magazines" is an English equivalent of the Spanish phrase ¡Me gusta leer revistas! The exclamation also translates as "I like reading journals (newspapers, periodicals)!" in English. The pronunciation will be "mey GOO-sta ley-ER rey-VEE-stas" in Uruguayan Spanish.

Spanish for to read?

to read= leer.To read: (Verb) Leer.For example:-Read this book = Lee este libro.-I like to read = Me gusta leer.-What are you reading? = Que estas leyendo?

How do you say do not like to read in spanish?

No les gusta leer = They don't like to read No me gusta leer = I don't like to read

Leer un libro?

To read a book.

How do you say i like to read magazines in spanish?

It is as following, she is translated as "ella", likes, is translates as "le gusta", and reading as "Leer". Putting this all on an actual sentence it would be as following, "A ella le gusta leer."

How do you write like to Read in Spanish?

Leer = to read Me gusta leer = I like to read

How would you use leer in a sentence?

"Read" "Leer" "Reading" "Leyendo" "I am going to read a book" "Voy a Leer un libro"