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I agree with this statement bcoz if people will not use polythene, they will switch to paper or cloth based materials. More and more use of paper will definitely lead to more cutting of trees.

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Q: That ban of polythene will lead to more cutting of trees?
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How could cutting down trees lead to the build up of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?

Because trees remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and if they cut them down we will have more carbon dioxide.

What will happen if you will go on cutting trees for projects?

if we will go on cutting trees ,there will be no oxygen to live ultimately one day we will die .it will lead to the increase in the global will lead to droughts,famine,water shortage ,soil erosion,land degration and finally one day life will be finished.

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More slogans against cutting trees?

dont destroy trees restore it

How are they trying to save the trees?

By, logging companies not cutting down endangered trees or forest. and by planting more trees everyday.

Why does people cutting trees?

so that people can make more paper

What will happen when deforestation or cutting trees occurs?

there will be more landslides as trees will not be there to hold land in place. flooding as trees won't be there to soak up the water, and more co2 because trees get rid of it.

How does people planting and cutting trees change the environment?

If people cut trees they re-plant them that on the future we as a hole community have more trees.

What is the effects of deforestation on cities?

deforestation mean cutting the trees , cutting the trees means less oxygen and more carbon dioxide , more carbon dioxide means global worming , more global worming means more floods

How can soil erosion be prevented in the forests?

by not cutting tress and by planting more trees

How you can save earth by stop cutting trees?

You help the environment by saving trees for more oxygen supply. You also provide more homes for animals.

What happenes if you cut down more trees than you need?

You shouldn't be cutting down trees! But if you cut to many, you run out