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why is it that despite the country's reputation of having close family ties, incidence of broken families is rising

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Q: That legalization of divorce can solve the marital problemsincluding broken homes of filipino families?
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What is legalization of divorce?

The legalization of divorce is when a country or government passes a bill that makes divorce legal. The legal requirements for divorce may be different in each country and state.

Legalization of divorce in the Philippines?

Only Muslims can divorce inside the Philippines and only under certain circumstances. If a couple goes outside of the Philippines to divorce, it will not be recognized in the Philippines.

Do families with more children have higher divorce rates If possible please cite a source?

No. It is not true to say that families with more children have higher divorce rates.

Can your Filipino wife divorce you in UK?

yes or anywhere in world you wish to file under favorable divorce laws 50%-50%

Is divorce rare in American families?

No it is actually very common.

Can a filipino domestic helper file a divorce in Hong Kong?

yes they can file divorce in hong kong but the big problem: under philippines law they don't accept that absolute decree nisi for divorce because don't have divorce in the philippines......

What are some of the problems that are facing your families today?

Divorce, financial issues, ect...

What is the conflict theory related to divorce?

The class oppression (capitalist system) is the reason for divorce. Divorce rates are shown higher in lower income families. The wealthy oppress the poor, the capitalist system places a choke hold on lower income families. This class conflict between the haves and have nots is the reason for divorce rates claiming. Also the idea of a no fault divorce, and a lessening stigma which was originally attached to divorce is no longer present.

Can a Filipino citizen file a divorce in US?

No. Civil status (i.e. being single or married) is governed by the law of your citizenship. In this case, a Filipino citizen is governed by Philippine law as regards his/her civil status. Therefore, if he/she wants to be free of those marriage ties, he/she must avail of annulment of marriage in the Philippines. Unless he/she becomes a US citizen later on, he/she may properly file for divorce in the US courts.

What are pro's and con's of the 19th amendment?

Loss of family core values, equality, inclined divorce rates, women think with emotion not logic, legalization of abortion, and decline of american industry.

What is a factor in the increase of single parent families in North America?

An increasing divorce rate

Can a Filipino tourist in the US get a divorce from his or her spouse to whom he or she got married in the Philippines?

The US courts may grant you a divorce but in the Philippines you would still be married. You will need to get an annulment of your marriage in the Philippines.