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The police (law enforcement) have become more militarized and the military has become more law enforcement. Another words, the US law enforcement agencies and the US Military have just about merged into one type of everything but name and heads of their respective departments.

They practically wear the same uniforms and armor, use the same types of weapons, vehicles (including aircraft and boats), communication devices, night vision devices, and do the same mission...hunting terrorists, etc.

Civilian citizens are far more restricted in the 21st century than they were in the 20th century. In this century, US citizens are under near constant visual (cameras) surveillance, communication devices (cell phones) can be monitored, and all computer communications (E mails) can be monitored (read), by people who you don't think are reading it.

Travel to neighboring countries such as Canada and Mexico were once as routine as driving to a gas station to fill up your car; today that might require a VISA!

This is just but a FEW examples.

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Q: The US war on terror is a problem. Explain some of the effets this war has on the global community?
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What are the benefits of computers to global community?

The benefits of computers to the global community are almost boundless. One characteristic of computers is that it can do math at high speeds. It can be used to calculate how much grain must be imported to a nation in the global community extremely fast. Based on proper programming computers can project how much revenue must be spent or collected to fund a humanitarian project. It can be used to project population growth, economic growth, and other types of vital information needed by an individual member of the global community or by international organizations that service the entire or parts of the global community.

How did the Great Depression impact the global community?

It help very much.

Did Hitler find anything admireble about Jews?

No, nothing. --------------------- He did, but it showed itself in jealousy rather than admiration. He admired their sense of community and was convinced that this was a global community

What might explain the rise of global inequality during the Industrial Revolution?

industrialization widened the wealth gap between industrialized and nonindustrialized countries, even though it strenghtened their economic ties.

What factors contribute to a financial crisis?

Depending on what kind of financial crisis is being described for example; large scale financial crisis such as businesses and communities or small scale such as personal financial troubles. On a personal level not having enough money to live of for necessities is a crisis. For large scale like a community if the economy is bad then that is a big problem as well.

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global change because our global in our community is too small

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Global village, is the term used to describe the world shrunk into a village by the means of the different media types, most especially the World Wide Web, making it easy to pass across messages (like the news), thereby making the world become like a single village where people can easily contact each other quicker.

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something in a community

Is global a proper noun?

Its an adjective As in "It is a global problem"

Why is innovation important society and the global community?

Global community is our community all around world. Roles we play on global community is as through facebook. we should respact people on facebook as it's our social responsiblity to respect others. Not bullying others on facebook. The global community is important as it help us to communicate with people all around world. And making friends anywhere in the world no matters at all.

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Explain Making of global world?


What is Global Retail?

The leverage of technology for the purpose of distributing prodcuts/services to the global community.