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Q: The ability of muscle tissue to stretch when pulled is called?
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Should you stretch a pulled muscle?


How do you you stretch out a muscle that once once pulled?

physical therapy

What is a pulled muscle?

When a muscle is pushed to far with exertion, small tears can occur in the muscle tissue. The pain associated with this damage when the muscle is used is called a pulled muscle.

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What is a pulled and strained muscle?

what is a pulled muscle

What an injury caused by a muscle being overstretched?

When a muscle is over stretched it is called hyperextension. This is sometimes called a pulled muscle. It can be anywhere from minor to severe.

What are some experiences with stretching before a run?

I always stretch before and after I run. It allows your body to loosen up and not get you injured. If you don't stretch, you also risk getting an injury or pulled muscle.

How do you fix a pulled muscle in 2 hours?

First put some ice on it. Then you should take a bath in warm water and epsom salt. Then take some pain reliever, then stretch the muscle.

How do you help a pulled muscle in your back?

As much as it may hurt have someone rub the muscle as hard as you can handle. That is not the only thing you have to do. Also stretch the muscle. I am not the smartest so I am sure there are other things you can do but that's what I do.

What are the injuries that is related to dance?

You can have hip injuries when you pull a muscle by rotating your hips. Also back injury if you do not properly stretch or force your back to move in a way where it is not flexible. The most common injury is probably a pulled muscle witch you can relieve by aplying heat to loosen the muscle. then stretch it out carefully a little bit at a time.

What is the partial tearing of a muscle?

Don't over stretch because you will tighten up faster and are more likely to pull something. For a pulled or torn muscle, ice the first day, on and off every 15 min. The second day heat on and off every fifteen minutes. You'll want to alternate days of heat and ice until you are sure that you are 100%. Once the muscle is beginning to heal stretch very light. Don't stretch more if it starts hurting. Take it easy but you do need to keep it moving, but only slightly.Never stretch your limit. If you don't think you can do it don't. But don't limit yourself too much.

What is an injury caused by a muscle being overstretched?

When a muscle is over stretched it is called hyperextension. This is sometimes called a pulled muscle. It can be anywhere from minor to severe.