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these are the parts of The Bible!

old testement

1. the Pentateuch

2. the history

3. books of poetry

4. the prophets

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they are the four books of moses in which are the Torah or laws of the bible.

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Q: The catholic bible divides the old testament into 4 sections. what are they?
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What are the two parts if the bible?

The Bible is divided into 2 sections. The old testament and the new testament

Where is the middle of The Bible?

The Bible is divided into two sections: the Old Testament and the New Testament. The middle of the Bible would correspond to the middle of these two sections, which is the book of Psalms.

The Bible is divided into 2 different parts. What are their names?

The Bible is divided into two sections, the Old Testament and the New Testament. the Catholic church and other denominations also recognize the Apocryphal Books that were written between the end of writing of the Old Testament and beginning of writing of the New Testament.

How many sections are there in the Bible?

The Christian Bible and Hebrew Bible are grouped into books (e.g. Genesis) and chapters.As to how many books depends on which canon of Bible you're referring to. The Hebrew Bible for example groups some books differently than the Christian Old Testament so for example the 12 minor prophet books (Hosea to Malachi) are grouped as a single book.There are 66 books in the Canon of the Protestant Bible (39 in the Old Testament and 27 in the New Testament) and 73 books in the Canon of the Catholic Bible (46 in the Old Testament and 27 in the New Testament), which includes deuterocanonical non-canonical books (e.g. Book of Wisdom, Tobit, Judith, etc.) designated "Apocrypha" by Protestants.

What is the seventeenth book in the Old Testament of the Bible?

Esther is the seventeenth book in the Protestant Old Testament Bible and Tobit in the Catholic Old Testament.

How many books are in each section of the Bible?

In the Catholic Bible, there are 46 books in the Old Testament and 27 in the New Testament.

What is the second part of the Bible called?

You mean the New Testament? The Christian bible is separated into two sections: The Old Testament = Before Jesus was born The New Testament = After Jesus was born

How many total books are in the bible and its two main divisions?

There are 66 books in the King James Bible and it is divided into to sections, The Old Testament and The New Testament.

How many old testament books in the bible catholic?

there is 20

Where does it say in the Catholic Bible that baptism can be done by sprinkling?

Roman Catholic AnswerThere is only a Bible, the Bible used by the Catholic Church is the entire New Testament and the entire Old Testament. The only thing that makes it a "Catholic" Bible is the guarantee in the front of it that it conforms to the Bible as accepted by the Church since the fourth century. And, no, nowhere in the Bible does it say anything about sprinkling for baptism.

What is the difference between the Lutheran Bible and the catholic Bible?

Lutheran Bible has 66 books and Catholic Bible has 73 books. There is no difference in the New Testament of Catholics and Lutheran. However, Catholics consider 7 more books as divine in the Old Testament of the Bible.

How many times is the word forgiveness in the New Testament in the Catholic version of the Bible?

I'm not sure what the "Catholic version of the Bible" is, but the word forgiveness is used 13 times in the New Testament.