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Many things cause migraines. Diet is one factor. Foods like cheese, chocolate, coffee, and other foods that contain caffeine can cause migraines. I am a migraine sufferer myself, and have found that playing Video Games, watching television or using the computer for long periods of time, can also trigger a migraine. Also, Migraine suffering can run in families. My father suffers from migraines and, consequently, I to suffer from them. Stress is another thing. If you've had a hectic day at work or school, or your feeling stressed, that can cause migraines. I hope I've been of some help.

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Q: The causes of migraines for women are?
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What chemical in air conditioner causes migraines?

Any chemical from air coditioners cause migraines.

What causes migraine after during and before the period?

I sometimes get migraines before and during my period. What causes mine, as a woman who suffers from migraines, is the elevation and then severe drop in estrogen. During ovulation is when your estrogen levels are at the highest, and then your estrogen levels drop suddenly during your period. I don't know exactly why this imbalance causes our heads to pound while other women do okay with it.

Why is it more likely for women to get migraines then men?

Because one of the triggers which can cause migraines are the hormones which change during the menstrual cycle.

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What causes migraines in my life?

According to Mayo Clinic, a variety of things can cause migraines. The list includes: hormonal changes in women, foods, stress, sensory stimuli, changes in wake-sleep pattern, physical factors, changes in the environment, and medications. For more thorough information on these cause, please visit:

What are some of the causes of Migraines?

Migraines can come about for almost any reason. These include stress, light sensitivity, sound sensitivity, and hunger. They also can be caused by genetics.

Keeping a Food Journal to Find Migraine Causes?

Many people suffering from migraines are dealing with a food allergy. It could be anything from wheat to certain food dyes to caffeine. Keeping a food journal can help you uncover any dietary causes for your migraines. To determine if a certain food is causing the migraines, it should be completely eliminated from the diet for a few weeks. If the migraines cease then you may have uncovered the dietary trigger and found an easy way to avoid the pain of migraines.

Will getting pregnant cause your migraines to go away or increase?

Unfortunately, this depends entirely on the person. Some women have an increase in migraines during pregnancy, some women have them go away - and then return once their hormones normalize after birth. Some women have them go away and then find the migraines either don't come back after they've given birth, or experience a large reduction in the number and frequency of them. Some women experience no change it all.

Where can i learn about the causes of migraines?

Much information about migraines may be found on: In short, a migraine is a chronic neurological disorder, known by moderate to severe headaches.

What is the best birth control for someone who suffers from migraines?

Condoms, spermicide, diaphragms. All forms of birth control, whether pill, patch, implant, Nuva Ring, or injection - all deal with hormones. When you have migraines and take birth control, you are risking increasing migraine activity as well as a small increase in the risk of stroke. For some women, birth control may help their migraines. For some women, there will be no difference at all. For some women, there is a dramatic increase in migraine activity. Make sure your prescribing physician knows about your migraines and how often you have them before you begin birth control. Make sure your neurologist knows if you are taking birth control if you are being treated for migraine. Everyone needs to be on the same page.

What are the usual causes of migraine headaches?

Some of the most common causes of migraines are lack of food, lack of sleep, excessive heat, and excessive stress. If you have a family member who suffers from migraines, that also increases your chances.

Are Migraines contagious?

No, migraines are not and cannot be contagious.No.