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Q: The country's declaration of independence promised that a constitution would be finished by October 1948. The document was never finished because?
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Which document was written first the Declaration of independence or the constitution?

The Declaration of Independence was written first.

Which document is based directly on john Locke's ideas?

In both Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

What document contributed to the ratification of a constitution with a strong central government?

declaration of independence

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Does the Declaration of Independence contain laws that govern the United States?

No, the Declaration of Independence is not a law making document. The US Constitution is the document that creates the laws that govern the US. The Declaration can only be used to help indicate the intent of the Constitution's framers, but does not create law.

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The two basic documents that are related to the founding of the US are the Declaration of Independence in 1776 and the Constitution in 1789.

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Declaration of Independence

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the declaration of independence the declaration of independence the declaration of independence

Was the Declaration of Independence a constitution?

It was not the first document written in America. The US did not come into being until the document was signed and ratified so in this sense it became the first document in the USA

On what historical document was the declaration of Sentiments based?

The Declaration of independence was based on a document written by George Mason. It was The Virginia Declaration Of Independence.

What was the name of the document that served as the nation constitution following the Revolutionary War?

The Declaration of Independence i think

This document called for the colonists' independence from England?

The Declaration of Independence