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Q: The decision in this 1945 federal case put an end to the discriminatory "white primaries" in Georgia.?
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Is the general and federal elections the same?

yes and no. there are primaries and general elections at city,state n federal level

Does Georgia have a state OSHA Program or does Federal OSHA apply in Georgia?

Federal OSHA has complete jurisdiction in Georgia, there is not Georgia State Plan.

How many classes are protected from discrimination by the federal fair housing laws?

All are protected otherwise the law would be discriminatory .

Why did treatment of Cherokee get worse after the Supreme Court declared Georgias Indians removal laws to be unconstitutional?

The federal government did not enforce the court's decision.

Are Georgia drivers licenses in compliance with the federal REAL ID Act?

Yes, Georgia drivers licenses are in compliance with the Federal Real ID Act.

What company in Georgia has this federal tax ID number 58 6002015?

the state of georgia

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The Supreme court decision on Marbury version Madison by the federal judiciary. This is part of the court systems.

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Discriminatory procurement practices against foreign firms usually happen more often on a state level than on the federal level. Any business that people think will hurt U.S. products or services will face discrimination.

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What company in Georgia has this federal tax ID number 58-6002015?

E-Z Travel

What two major tools does Congress have to influence decision making in federal agencies?

New legislation and the budget are the two major tools Congress has to influence decision making in federal agencies.

What was the result of plessy v s Ferguson decision in the south?

The decision led to segregation in federal buildings-Apex