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Q: The didgeridoo is the traditional instrument of indigenous people of?
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Where did didgeridoo come from?

The didgeridoo was invented in 1500 by the aborigines

Who used the didgeridoo?

Anyone can use the didgeridoo. The instrument used to be used traditionally by the Indigenous Australians but had been introduced to people far and wide. I have a friend that plays the didgeridoo and he isn't Aboriginal. So, I hope that has answered part of your question.

What is the didjeridoos origin?

The didgeridoo originated from the Indigenous people of Australia.

Where did the didgeridoo originate from?

The indigenous people of Northern Australia.

Who used didgeridoos?

Anyone can use the didgeridoo. The instrument used to be used traditionally by the Indigenous Australians but had been introduced to people far and wide. I have a friend that plays the didgeridoo and he isn't Aboriginal. So, I hope that has answered part of your question.

Didgeridoo is the traditonal instrument of what people?

The aboriginal people of Australia.

Who invented the didgeridoo?

The indigenous people of Australia, known as the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, play the didgeridoo.

What does the didgeridoo look like?

A didgeridoo is a very long instrument. This instrument sort of looks like a giant piece of bamboo that people play.

Does the didgeridoo have written music?

No. The Aborigines did not record music for the didgeridoo in any written form, so both indigenous and non-indigenous people in modern times improvise when they are playing.

What is the Aboriginal name for a didgeridoo?

It is the Yidaki. An European heard it has a didgeridoo because while the Aborigine was playing the instrument, it was say those words. The yidaki was forgotten and most people knew it as a didgeridoo. There is lots of spellings for the didgeridoo and the is lots of other names for the Yidaki.

What is the musical instrument created by the aborigine people of Australia called?

The Australian aborigines created the didgeridoo.

What do aborigines use instrument for?

The Aboriginal people played the didgeridoo, the shakers, skin drums, clapping sticks, a percussion tube and many other instrument's. well i hope that answered a bit of your question ! answered by : Emily.N.