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Q: The fascist militia that supported Mussolini was known as the?
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What form of government was Mussolini known for running in Italy?

Mussolini was the leader of the original Fascist government in Italy in the mid-1900s. The term "fascist" is used now to describe such dictatorships more generally.

What type of government did Benito Mussolini lead?

Benito Mussolini dropped all democracy and set up a legal dictatorship.

What political party did Mussolini belong to?

Mussolini's political parts was the PNF (Partito Nazionale Fascista) or National Fascist Party. The Republican Fascist Party still exists today in a watered-down Diet Coke version. Mussolini is credited with the term Fascist, and Fascism. Hitler pretty much copied him.

Why is Mussolini famous?

Benito Mussolini is famous for being a fascist dictator in Italy during World War II. Beniito Mussolini is known for making deals with Adolf Hitler during his reign.

Why is Benito Mussolini?

Benito Mussolini is famous for being a fascist dictator in Italy during World War II. Beniito Mussolini is known for making deals with Adolf Hitler during his reign.

Who was the leader of Fascist party in Italy during World War 2?

He is Benito Mussolini. He led Italy from 1922 to 1943. He founded the first fascist political group and later allied his country with Germany in WWII.

What country was Mussolini a dictator for?

Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini, commonly known as Mussolini, was an Italian politician and journalist.Mussolini was leader of the National Fascist Party in Italy.He ruled Italy as Prime Minister from 1922 until he was ousted in 1943.

Who was Benito Mussolini and what did he do?

Mussolini was the leader and ideologist of the first fascist movement, and became the first fascist to take power when he became Prime Minister of Italy in 1922. He is also known for making Italy one of the Axis powers in World War II and for launching an unsuccessful attempt to colonize Ethiopia.

What were Mussolini's career highlights?

He created the fascist party, and his followers wore black shirts and beat up anyone who opposed him. He was known as the II Duce. Mussolini quickly put an end to Italian democracy.

In which country did the fascist party begin?

In 1870s Italy, with political groups known as Fasci. These groups coalesced under a national organization during WW1, and after the war Mussolini formed the National Fascist Party in 1921,which took power in 1922.

What is the common name for the Italian Fascist group 'Milizia Volontaria per la Sicurezza Nazionale?

"Voluntary Militia for National Security", also known as the "Blackshirts".

How did Mussolini use police terror?

Mussolini used the police to kill or arrest anybody who opposed what he said. This resulted in the fear that you would be killed if you opposed what Mussolini said so people didn't question it.