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Q: The final core element for a massive star is?
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What is final core element for a solar like star?

The final elements fused in a star of the mass of our Sun are Oxygen then Carbon. Therefore a white dwarf core could be regarded as a solid, gigantic diamond.

What is the last element to be formed in the core of massive star before dying?

Assuming I've understood the question, it would be nickel. Nickel is the end product of the silicon burning process, since going any further (the next step up would be zinc) is endergonic.

How do stars get blasted off?

an expanding Shell of hydrogen gas envelop the core of the star which collapses ,it becomes a red giant. In more massive star with hotter core ,helium fuses to carbon,silicon or oxygen, synthesizing the heavier element .even more massive stars may burns iron generating a cooling effect . The core implodls and the outer layer of the stars are bloom away as a supernova

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What is the first element that is converted in a star's core?

The first element that is converted in a star's core is hydrogen. Through nuclear fusion, hydrogen atoms fuse together to form helium, releasing energy in the process. This fusion process is what powers a star and allows it to shine.

When a stars core collapses does a giant explosion happen?

Yes, if the star is massive enough when the core collapses a supernova explosion happens.

How long does it take for a massive star's core to become iron from silicon?

from silicon to iron, about a day.

What is a dense collapsed core with a very strong gravitional pull that forms when a very massive star become a supernova?

Neutron Star

Is a black hole a supernova remnant?

No, a black hole is not typically a supernova remnant. A black hole is formed when a massive star collapses under its own gravity, creating a region of spacetime from which nothing, not even light, can escape. On the other hand, a supernova remnant is the leftover material from a massive star's explosion in a supernova event.

What will be the suns final stage in the lifee cycle?

For a star like ours, the black dwarf stage For an immensely massive star, a back hole.

What is the parts of the star?

It depends on how massive the star is and what part of its life its at. Most of the time the core is the hottest, but after a star runs out of its current fuel it will start fusing elements in a shell around its core out to the surface or photosphere. While these shells are burning they are the temporary hotspots of the star, while the core gets hotter and hotter.

Why is a neutron star heavy?

A neutron star is what is left of the core of a massive star after it dies. The core collapses under the force of gravity, crushing itself from a size far larger than Earth to about the size of a city but still with a mass up to 3 times that of the sun. If it is any more massive it becomes a black hole.