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Q: The first observation of production which led to the concept of specialization was in the production of what?
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Explain the difference between product concept production concept nad marketing concept?

The Marketing Concepts have evolved during the period of human existence. Chronologically they are : # Exchange Concept # Production Concept, # Product Concept, # Selling Concept, # Marketing Concept, # Holistic Marketing Concept. Now we are required to explain the difference between "PRODUCTION", "PRODUCT" & MARKETING" concepts. Here they are : # Production Concept - This concept is one of the oldest, and suggests that the consumers will like to buy the products which are available easily, cheaply & widely. So the marketers must have a mass production facility (efficient production) with low price ( cost efficiency) and make it available very near to the customers (mass distribution). This concept is adopted when the Company wants to expand. # Product Concept - This is the next step of evolution of marketing concepts. It depicts that customers will go for those products which offer quality, utility, features, performance, value, benefits, etc. So the marketers must improve the products in an innovative way & continuously. This is more often accompanied by a suitable pricing, distribution, promotion (all the 4Ps of marketing). # Marketing Concept - This concept was evolved in the 1950s, and for the first time the attention was shifted to Customers. Instead of concentrating on the Products / Production / Selling, the business became "Customer Oriented". The "Make & Sell" philosophy gave way to the "Sense & Respond" philosophy. Instead of finding the right customer for the product, the marketer now has to find the right product for the customer. This concept holds the secret of the company being more effective than its competitors in creating, delivering & communicating superior value to the targeted customers. Reference : Marketing Management - By Philip Kotler & Kevin Lane Keller - 12th Edition. Chapter - 1. = By Himansu S M

Who developed the concept of homeostasis?

Walter Bradford Cannon was the first to develop the concept of homeostasis.

What is production era?

What is a production era? What happened in production era? What is the production era about? What is production era in marketing? The focus of the production era was on? What is the production era in marketing? What is the explaination for production era? What are the products during production era? What is production era with relevent examples? State one company that was involved in production era? Which came first the production era or the entrepreneurial era? An era in which a change from houehold industries to factory production is called what? What was the era in which a change from household industries to factory production using powered machinery took place?

Prepare a feasibility study of cocoa production?

To prepare for a feasibility study of cocoa production, first come up with the most suitable idea for the project. Identify the need of this project, how, who, and where to produce, as well as costs involved.

Example of production concept?

The marketing conceptThe concept of marketing has changed and evolved over time. Whilst in today's business world, the customer is at the forefront, not all businesses in the past followed this concept. Their thinking, orientation or ideology put other factors rather then the customer first. Let us examine these below.Production Oriented: The focus of the business is not the needs of the custobmer, but of reducing costs by mass production. By reaching economies of scale the business will maximize profits by reducing costs.Product Orientation: The company believes that they have a superior product, based on quality and features, and because of this they feel their customers will like it also.Sales Orientation: The focus here is to make the product, and then try to sell it to the target market. However, the problem could be that consumers do not like what is being sold to them.Market Orientation: Puts the customer at the heart of the business. The organization tries to understand the needs of the customers by using appropriate research methods, Appropriate processes are developed to make sure information from customers is fed back into the heart of the organisation. In essence all activities in the organisation are based around the customer. The customer is truly king!In today's competitive world putting the customer at the heart of the operation is strategically important. Whilst some organizations in certain industries may follow anything other then the market orientation concept, those that follow the market orientation concept have a greater chance of being successful

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The first observation of production which led to the concept of of specialization was in the production of what?


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The concept for the Boeing 767 was received by the factory in February of 1978. Manufacturing began in July of that year, and the first flight took place in 1981.

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Henry ford/ assenbly line production :)

A pioneer in the automobile industry implemented the concept of which was first introduced by Adam Smith.?

Henry Ford/ Assembly line production

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The specialization of a Cell occurs in two phases: first Differentiation and second Determination.

When was the Pontiac Bonneville first built?

The Pontiac Bonneville was first produced as a concept car in 1954, but was put into widespread production in 1957. It was eventually discontinued in 2005.

What must exist before a country can specialize its production?

Before a country can specialize its production, it must first have a diverse range of resources, available technologies, and a stable economy. Specialization is most effective when a country can produce goods or services more efficiently than others, leading to a comparative advantage in the global market. Additionally, a country should have the ability to trade with other nations to fully benefit from specialization.

Advantages of the specialization of labor?

Specialization of labour leads first of all to very effective and adequate production.When people become specialized in a field,they turn to do things with ease and seem always very comfortable when working on whatever has been assigned to them. Specialization save time.When someone is specialized in a field, he/she takes less time in doing whatever he/she must do. Specialization makes the outcome of production a master piece.when one is specialized,they know all the techniques needed to make an outcome wonderful Specialization of labour leads first of all to very effective and adequate production.When people become specialized in a field,they turn to do things with ease and seem always very comfortable when working on whatever has been assigned to them. Specialization save time.When someone is specialized in afield, he/she takes less time in doing whatever he/she must do. Specialization makes the outcome of production a master piece.when one is specialized,they know all the techniques needed to make an outcome wonderful

A pioneer in the automobile industry implemented the concept of which was first introduced by Adam smith?

The pioneer in the automobile industry implemented the concept of assembly line, which was first introduced by Adam Smith. The assembly line revolutionized the manufacturing process by dividing production tasks into smaller, specialized tasks, increasing efficiency and productivity in the automobile industry.

What is the special?

The specialization of a Cell occurs in two phases: first Differentiation and second Determination.

What is the introduction of caravan?

If that's supposed to be " when was the introduction of the caravan?" 1984 was the first production year, but it has existed in concept/R&D cars from the 70's.