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A granular leukocyte, the granules of which have an affinity for the acid dye of Wright's stain (eosin). The granules are large, round, uniform in size, red-orange in color and are shiny and refractile.

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Is neutrophil an agranular leukocytes?

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What are the three types of granular leukocytes?

The three Granular leukocytes are Neutrophils, Basophils, and Eosinophils.

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What would be a nongranular leukocyte?

The non-granular leukocytes are the monocytes and the lymphocytes.

What is a committed granular leukocyte stem cell that produces neutrophils?

Your mother

What leukocyte stains with acidic dyes?

Eosinophils are leukocytes that stain with acidic dyes such as eosin. They are involved in the immune response to allergic reactions and parasitic infections.

What is the leukocyte distinguished by having distinctive red stained granules?

Eosinophils are the granular leukocytes that stain red. They are important elements of the body's immune defense against pathogens and allergens.

What is a basophil?

A basophil is a cell which has granules stained by basic stains, especially granular leukocytes.

What is the type of leukocyte responsible for the red swollen condition in inflamed tissue?

Basophil :)

How easily will this remove red wine stains?

It should easily remove red win stains. As with all stains you will want to remove it as soon as possible.

What is the function of leukocyes?

I am sure you meant leukocyte. A leukocyte is a white cell, or white blood cell; a colorless blood corpuscle capable of ameboid movement, whose chief function is to protect the body against microorganisms causing disease and which may be classified in two main groups: granular and nongranular. A lack of leukocytes is a contributor to leukemia, a blood cancer.