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Q: The hamstring muscles are a two-joint muscle that acts at the knee and hip?
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What acts as both a knee (leg) extensor and hip (thigh) flexior?

The three muscles that make up the hamstring muscle group: the bicep femoris, semitendinosus and semimembranosus and the rectus femoris, one of the quadriceps muscles, all act as knee extensors and hip flexors.

What acts as an antagonist to the rectus femoris?


The groups of muscles collectively called the hamstring muscles include the?

the hamstring muscles must have these features:they must originate from the ischial tuberosity. they must be inserted into either tibia or fibula.they must not have any attachment to the femur.they must be supplied by the tibial part of the sciatic nerve.they must acts as extensor of the hip joint and flexor of the knee joint.with the above qualifications, the following muscles are considered as the hamstring muscles:semimembranosus.semitendinosus.both are (extensors of hip & flexors & medial rotators of knee joint). long head of biceps femoris

What does acetycholine do to muscles?

Acetylcholine acts to excite skeletal muscles, allowing for the muscle to contract. It also serves to allow contractions in the smooth muscles, while slowing down the cardiac muscles

What is sternocleidomastaid?

Correct spelling being "sternocleidomastoid", it is a paired muscle in the superficial layers of the anterior portion of the neck. It acts to flex and rotate the head. It also acts as an accessory muscle of inspiration, along with the scalene muscles of the neck.

Is a bicep a type of arm muscle?

Bicep translates from latin to mean "two heads" and this describes the most notable feature of the muscle. The biceps brachi is one of the muscle in the arm that acts on the elbow joint to suppinate (primary function) and to flex (secondary function) the forearm. There is however another biceps muscle in the body, this is why the one in the arm is given the full name "biceps brachi" to deistinguish it from the "biceps femoris". This muscle is again two headed but this time is is present on the femur, the bone in the thigh. It is one of the three muscles that forms the hamstring and as such it is involed in the flexion of the knee joint.

An unpaired muscle that acts with the muscle to accomplish inspiration?

Inspiration is due to the contraction of the diaphragm and external intercostal muscles.

What muscle is located directly beneath the gastrocnemius and has similar functions to gastrocnemius?

Soleus is the muscle that is located directly beneath the gastrocnemius and has similar functions to the gastrocnemius. The hamstrings muscles are a two joint muscle that acts at the knee and hip.

How do muscles move?

Muscles move by contraction. When the cells shorten, the muscle pulls on the ligaments that connect the bones and the movable body parts. Depending on how a skeletal muscle acts, it may be classified as a flexor (decreases angle to joint) or an extensor (increases angle, straightening the joint).

What is baclofen prescribed for?

Source: rx2040. com Baclofen is used for treating spasm of skeletal muscles, muscle clonus, cramping of muscles, rigidity, spinal cord injury and pain caused by disorders such as multiple sclerosis. Baclofen acts by relaxing skeletal muscles, the muscles that move the skeleton (and also called striated muscle).

What Is the circular muscle that acts as a valve opening and closing to allow the gastric contents to move throughout the GI tract.?

Circular muscles are called sphincters, there are many different sphincter muscles in the human body.

Which muscle acts to medially rotate the tibia?

I believe it is the semitendinosus, semimembranosus and popliteus muscles.