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Q: The holy wars known as the crusades were initially launched by who?
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The crusades were a holy war launched by who against the Muslim Turks?

Its actually the Europeans since they affected them.

The were a series of wars aimed at conquering the Holy Land.?


The effort to free the holy land from the muslim turks was known as the?

The Crusades

What were the two rival religions involved in the Crusades?

The two rival religions involved in the Crusades were Christianity and Islam. Christians from Europe launched military campaigns (Crusades) to reclaim holy sites in the Middle East from Muslim control.

Christian military expeditions to the Holy Land and the east to win back Holy Land from the infidels were known as?

These expeditions were known as the Crusades. _____________________________________________________________ However, the Crusades wars were for political reasons rather than for religious reasons to get control on the holy lands. The holy lands are not belonging to Christians alone but also to Jews and Muslims and when controlled by Muslims all people of all the God three religions were equally having the rights in practicing their ritual worships in these holy lands without any kind of discrimination.

Christian military expeditions to the Holy Land and the east to win back Holy Land from the infidels were known as the?


Who launched the crusades?

Christians or the Roman Catholic Europeans because they wanted the "Holy Lands" back from the Muslims but it never belonged to them in the first place

Why did western Europeans launch the crusades?

Western Europeans launched the crusades primarily for religious reasons. The Catholic Church believed that capturing Jerusalem and the Holy Land from Muslim control was a holy undertaking and would help to secure the salvation of their souls. Additionally, some nobles saw the opportunity for wealth, land, and increased power through participation in the expeditions. Political motivations such as expanding Christian influence in the East and diverting internal conflicts also played a role.

What were the holy Crusades?

it was the crusades against the sacoreons

How many crusades launched by the catholic church?

Pope Urban II was responsible for assisting Emperor Alexus I (1081-1118) of Constantinople in launching the first crusade.

What holy wars was fought by christians and Muslims for control of Jerusalem?

The Crusades were a series of holy wars fought between Christians and Muslims for control of Jerusalem and the Holy Land during the Middle Ages. The First Crusade was launched in 1096 and resulted in the capture of Jerusalem by Christian forces in 1099. Subsequent Crusades followed over the span of two centuries.

What are facts about the crusades?

Crusades was a series of holy wars!The Crusades were holy wars between the Christan's and The Muslims. There were 7 Crusades in total. They went from 1095-1270. The main goal of the Crusades was the Christians wanted to take the Holy City Of Jerusalem out of the Muslims power. Hope this helped :D