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Q: The investigative power of Congress is often?
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What source does congress get its investigative power?

They are implied in Article I, Section 1 of the Constitution

What power does congress use for price gouging in the cable tv industry?

investigative powers

What are the two non law making duties of congress?

The non-legislative functions of Congress are the powers and responsibilities NOT related to passing laws. For example: impeachment power, confirmation power, and investigative power

Which of these is an investigative agency of the US Congress?

General Accounting Office

Choose the power given to Congress that is most often associated with the elastic clause?

implied power.

Can congress respond to charges of price gouging by using its investigative powers?


How can Congress forbid discrimination in employment?

Citing its power to regulate businesses that engage in interstate commerce, Congress did apply the 1964 Civil Rights Act to employers larger than 14 employees. Congress established an investigative agency, the EEOC, and allowed individuakls and EEOC to sue in federal court.

Which term describes the investigative journalists who wrote about injustice unfairness and corruption?

The term that describes investigative journalists who write about injustice, unfairness, and corruption is muckrakers. Muckrakers are journalists who aim to expose societal issues and hold those in power accountable through investigative reporting. Their work often leads to social and political change.

Can Congress often cedes a significant amount of power to the chief executive in times of war?


Congress has the power to do what?

Congress has the power to tax

What is the power of congress?

constituent power of congress

Is taxation an exampe of concurrent power?

The ability to collect taxes in an example of a concurrent power. This is a right that is given to Congress and is stated in the US Constitution.