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Q: The major building material on the Great Plains was?
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What was the major building material on the great plains?

The major building material on the Great Plains was wood. Entire trees were cut down and the logs were used to build houses. The logs were lined up and stacked with mortar in between. There were usually no windows but boards that were hinged to the log house. The roofs were made of sod.

What are the major plains of the world?

There are three major plains of the world. They are the North American Great Plains, the African Serengeti Plains, and the Russian Steppes.

What major river run through the great plains?

One of the major rivers that runs through the Great Plains is the Canadian River.

What were the major building materials used in the great plains?

Since wood/trees did not grow on the plains wood/lumber had to be brought in or sod was used. Many settlers built sod houses to live in.

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What are The three major plains of the world?

The three major plains are the North American plain, Eurasian plain, and the Amazon Basin.

What are the major cities in great plains?

i need help??

What is the major economic activity in the Great Plains?


Which major US river flows parallel to the Great Plains and the Appalachian Mountains?

The Susquehanna River is a major river that flows parallel to the Great Plains and the Appalachian Mountains.

What were the major resources of the great plains Indians?

corn and buffalo

What is the major river of the great plains Texas?

Rio grande

What are the three largest cities in the Great Plains States?

The five major cities in the Great Plains are Austin, San Angelo, Midland, Odessa, and Lubbock.