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Q: The material made up of clay and bits of black soil and rock carried by the nile river and deposited in the delta is called?
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What was it called when fleas carried by rats were killing europeans?

The answer is bubonic plaque

Who carried the black death to Europe?

No one did it was rats that carried black death (plague)

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Black carbon soot is deposited on the porcelain

Who carried the plague black death?

I believe rats was the first to carry the black death, they were called the black rats and the plague was spread to humans, that's what i was told in my history lesson:)

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This ideal material is called "black body".

Where comes from the black death?

the black death was carried by fleas that were on rats and the rats were on boats and they were carried over

When did The Black Occur?

Black Plague or Bubonic Plague started in Europe around 1347, when the rats came to town. They carried a flea which carried a bacteria called yersinia pestis. There were many out breaks of this disease. 1300's to late 1600's.

How the black death was carried?

it was carried by rats which caught the disease from parasites

What do scienceists think caused black death?

A bacterium called Yersinia pestis, which was carried originally by rodents from Central Asia.

Why was the European plague known as the Black Plague?

Roaches gave deadly disease to rats, rats gave to people, people gave to other people. The European plague was called the Black Death because lymph nodes would become swollen and then die. They would be black so this plague was called the Black Death for this reason. Rats carried fleas, the fleas carried the microbe that caused black death in them and when they bit they passed it on to people.